v4vision / report-final

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Table of Contents #1

Open ulasakdeniz opened 8 years ago

ulasakdeniz commented 8 years ago
ulasakdeniz commented 8 years ago

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  1. THE DESCRIPTION OF WORK The concept and objectives of the project should be stated.
  2. THE WORK PLAN The work plan should be prepared in accordance with the software process model to be used. For the Unified Process (UP) model, the work plan becomes an iteration plan and right after every iteration the plan should be revised.
  3. ANALYSIS & DESIGN The following analysis and design artifacts should be created:
    • The functional (Use Case) and non-functional requirements.
    • Analysis Model (Domain Object Model)
    • Design Model (Design Class Diagram & Object Interaction Diagrams)
    • Data Design, Architectural Design
    • Refined Software Design Model (By the use of Software Patterns)
  4. SOLUTION/PRODUCT & RESULTS This section includes a presentation of the results obtained from applying the methodology or solution derived from your project, along with an analysis of their significance or it describes the product that has been developed along with the features and/or scenarios, and tests. This is the place where both, positive and negative aspects of a solution are presented and analyzed. It’s also in this part where you should briefly describe the tools and/or technologies used.
  5. RELATED WORK/SIMILAR SOLUTIONS For a scientific study, related literature along with relevant discussion should be prepared. For application-oriented work, similarities and/or differences with similar applications must be stated.
  6. CONCLUSION & IMPACT Consideration and discussion of realistic constraints and conditions addressing economics, environmental problems, sustainability, producibility, ethics, health, security, social and political issues which are relevant to the topic of the project and the characteristic of the design should be added. Multidisciplinary collaboration is crucial for properly addressing these issues. Therefore, the observations and comments from experts in those areas become vital for properly reporting such implications [1].
  7. REFERENCES The references section contains a list of the documents that the author used while conducting the project. Each reference describes the source of a specific piece of information, and must provide enough information to allow the reader to access the document if he or she wants to refer to it. The references are enumerated and appear in the same sequence as the information provided in the report. There are different types of sources like journals, conference proceedings, magazines, manuals, theses and dissertations, books, and web pages. For these sources, there are different reference styles developed by different professional organizations and corporations. We have adopted IEEE reference style as it’s generally preferred in the fields of engineering and computer science. Although web references have become commonplace, caution should be exercised in its usage due to the volatility of on-line material. Whenever possible, at least until more permanent on-line sources become available, references to printed material are preferred over those to on-line material [1].
  8. APPENDIX Appendixes contain complex analyses, statistical information, manufacturer data, tabulated data, calculations, specifications, large drawings, photographs, detailed results on experimentation, cost comparisons and specifications, and in summary, any information that could interrupt the continuity of the report's lecture if placed somewhere else in the report. Sometimes, the appendixes section has more pages than the rest of the report [1].

[1]. “Writing Formal Reports”, http://ece.uprm.edu/~hunt/inel5326/ReporteFinal.pdf.