[EXPECTED_FAILURE][FAIL] Bad usages: generateKey({length: 128, name: AES-KW}, true, [wrapKey, encrypt])
Expected OperationError but got TypeError
assert_unreached: Operation succeeded, but should not have Reached unreachable code
at /home/luyahan/node/test/fixtures/wpt/WebCryptoAPI/generateKey/failures.js:71:17
Command: /home/luyahan/node/out/Debug/node /home/luyahan/node/test/wpt/test-webcrypto.js generateKey/failures_AES-KW.https.any.js
---- generateKey/failures_AES-CBC.https.any.js ----
[EXPECTED_FAILURE][FAIL] Empty usages: generateKey({length: 128, name: AES-CBC}, false, [])
Expected OperationError but got TypeError
assert_unreached: Operation succeeded, but should not have Reached unreachable code
at /home/luyahan/node/test/fixtures/wpt/WebCryptoAPI/generateKey/failures.js:71:17
Command: /home/luyahan/node/out/Debug/node /home/luyahan/node/test/wpt/test-webcrypto.js generateKey/failures_AES-CBC.https.any.js
---- generateKey/failures_AES-GCM.https.any.js ----
[EXPECTED_FAILURE][FAIL] Empty usages: generateKey({length: 128, name: AES-GCM}, false, [])
Expected OperationError but got TypeError
assert_unreached: Operation succeeded, but should not have Reached unreachable code
at /home/luyahan/node/test/fixtures/wpt/WebCryptoAPI/generateKey/failures.js:71:17
Command: /home/luyahan/node/out/Debug/node /home/luyahan/node/test/wpt/test-webcrypto.js generateKey/failures_AES-GCM.https.any.js
---- sign_verify/hmac.https.any.js ----
[PASS] HMAC with SHA-256 verification
---- generateKey/failures_RSA-OAEP.https.any.js ----
[EXPECTED_FAILURE][FAIL] Bad algorithm property: generateKey({hash: SHA-256, modulusLength: 1024, name: RSA-OAEP, publicExponent: {0: 1}}, false, [decrypt, encrypt])
Operation succeeded, but should not have Reached unreachable code
assert_unreached: Operation succeeded, but should not have Reached unreachable code
at /home/luyahan/node/test/fixtures/wpt/WebCryptoAPI/generateKey/failures.js:71:17
Command: /home/luyahan/node/out/Debug/node /home/luyahan/node/test/wpt/test-webcrypto.js generateKey/failures_RSA-OAEP.https.any.js
---- encrypt_decrypt/rsa_oaep.https.any.js ----
[PASS] RSA-OAEP with SHA-1 and no label decryption
---- sign_verify/rsa_pss.https.any.js ----
[PASS] RSA-PSS with SHA-1 and no salt verification
---- import_export/rsa_importKey.https.any.js ----
[PASS] Good parameters: 1024 bits (spki, buffer(162), {hash: SHA-1, name: RSA-OAEP}, true, [wrapKey])
---- import_export/rsa_importKey.https.any.js ----
[PASS] Good parameters: 1024 bits (jwk, object(kty, n, e), {hash: SHA-1, name: RSA-OAEP}, true, [wrapKey])
---- derive_bits_keys/ecdh_keys.https.any.js ----
[PASS] P-521 public property value is a secret key
---- generateKey/failures_HMAC.https.any.js ----
[EXPECTED_FAILURE][FAIL] Empty usages: generateKey({hash: SHA-1, length: 160, name: HMAC}, true, [])
Operation succeeded, but should not have Reached unreachable code
assert_unreached: Operation succeeded, but should not have Reached unreachable code
at /home/luyahan/node/test/fixtures/wpt/WebCryptoAPI/generateKey/failures.js:71:17
Command: /home/luyahan/node/out/Debug/node /home/luyahan/node/test/wpt/test-webcrypto.js generateKey/failures_HMAC.https.any.js
---- generateKey/failures_RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5.https.any.js ----
[EXPECTED_FAILURE][FAIL] Bad algorithm property: generateKey({hash: SHA-256, modulusLength: 1024, name: RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5, publicExponent: {0: 1}}, false, [sign])
Operation succeeded, but should not have Reached unreachable code
assert_unreached: Operation succeeded, but should not have Reached unreachable code
at /home/luyahan/node/test/fixtures/wpt/WebCryptoAPI/generateKey/failures.js:71:17
Command: /home/luyahan/node/out/Debug/node /home/luyahan/node/test/wpt/test-webcrypto.js generateKey/failures_RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5.https.any.js
---- generateKey/failures_ECDSA.https.any.js ----
[EXPECTED_FAILURE][FAIL] Empty usages: generateKey({name: ECDSA, namedCurve: P-256}, true, [])
Expected NotSupportedError but got TypeError
assert_unreached: Operation succeeded, but should not have Reached unreachable code
at /home/luyahan/node/test/fixtures/wpt/WebCryptoAPI/generateKey/failures.js:71:17
Command: /home/luyahan/node/out/Debug/node /home/luyahan/node/test/wpt/test-webcrypto.js generateKey/failures_ECDSA.https.any.js
---- generateKey/failures_ECDH.https.any.js ----
[EXPECTED_FAILURE][FAIL] Empty usages: generateKey({name: ECDH, namedCurve: P-256}, true, [])
Expected NotSupportedError but got TypeError
assert_unreached: Operation succeeded, but should not have Reached unreachable code
at /home/luyahan/node/test/fixtures/wpt/WebCryptoAPI/generateKey/failures.js:71:17
Command: /home/luyahan/node/out/Debug/node /home/luyahan/node/test/wpt/test-webcrypto.js generateKey/failures_ECDH.https.any.js
---- import_export/ec_importKey.https.any.js ----
[PASS] Good parameters: P-384 bits (spki, buffer(120), {name: ECDSA, namedCurve: P-384}, true, [])
---- generateKey/failures_AES-CTR.https.any.js ----
[EXPECTED_FAILURE][FAIL] Empty usages: generateKey({length: 128, name: AES-CTR}, true, [])
Expected OperationError but got TypeError
assert_unreached: Operation succeeded, but should not have Reached unreachable code
at /home/luyahan/node/test/fixtures/wpt/WebCryptoAPI/generateKey/failures.js:71:17
Command: /home/luyahan/node/out/Debug/node /home/luyahan/node/test/wpt/test-webcrypto.js generateKey/failures_AES-CTR.https.any.js
---- generateKey/failures_AES-KW.https.any.js ----
[EXPECTED_FAILURE][FAIL] Bad usages: generateKey({length: 128, name: AES-KW}, true, [unwrapKey, wrapKey, encrypt])
Expected OperationError but got TypeError
assert_unreached: Operation succeeded, but should not have Reached unreachable code
at /home/luyahan/node/test/fixtures/wpt/WebCryptoAPI/generateKey/failures.js:71:17
Command: /home/luyahan/node/out/Debug/node /home/luyahan/node/test/wpt/test-webcrypto.js generateKey/failures_AES-KW.https.any.js
---- sign_verify/hmac.https.any.js ----
[PASS] HMAC with SHA-384 verification
---- sign_verify/rsa_pkcs.https.any.js ----
[PASS] RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 with SHA-256 verification
---- generateKey/failures_AES-CBC.https.any.js ----
[EXPECTED_FAILURE][FAIL] Empty usages: generateKey({length: 128, name: AES-CBC}, true, [])
Expected OperationError but got TypeError
assert_unreached: Operation succeeded, but should not have Reached unreachable code
at /home/luyahan/node/test/fixtures/wpt/WebCryptoAPI/generateKey/failures.js:71:17
Command: /home/luyahan/node/out/Debug/node /home/luyahan/node/test/wpt/test-webcrypto.js generateKey/failures_AES-CBC.https.any.js
---- generateKey/failures_AES-GCM.https.any.js ----
[EXPECTED_FAILURE][FAIL] Empty usages: generateKey({length: 128, name: AES-GCM}, true, [])
Expected OperationError but got TypeError
assert_unreached: Operation succeeded, but should not have Reached unreachable code
at /home/luyahan/node/test/fixtures/wpt/WebCryptoAPI/generateKey/failures.js:71:17
Command: /home/luyahan/node/out/Debug/node /home/luyahan/node/test/wpt/test-webcrypto.js generateKey/failures_AES-GCM.https.any.js
---- sign_verify/ecdsa.https.any.js ----
[PASS] setup
---- import_export/ec_importKey.https.any.js ----
[PASS] Good parameters: P-384 bits (jwk, object(kty, crv, x, y), {name: ECDSA, namedCurve: P-384}, true, [])
---- generateKey/failures_RSA-PSS.https.any.js ----
[EXPECTED_FAILURE][FAIL] Bad algorithm property: generateKey({hash: SHA-256, modulusLength: 1024, name: RSA-PSS, publicExponent: {0: 1}}, false, [sign])
Operation succeeded, but should not have Reached unreachable code
assert_unreached: Operation succeeded, but should not have Reached unreachable code
at /home/luyahan/node/test/fixtures/wpt/WebCryptoAPI/generateKey/failures.js:71:17
Command: /home/luyahan/node/out/Debug/node /home/luyahan/node/test/wpt/test-webcrypto.js generateKey/failures_RSA-PSS.https.any.js
---- sign_verify/rsa_pss.https.any.js ----
[PASS] RSA-PSS with SHA-256 and no salt verification
---- encrypt_decrypt/rsa_oaep.https.any.js ----
[PASS] RSA-OAEP with SHA-256 and no label decryption
---- generateKey/failures_HMAC.https.any.js ----
[EXPECTED_FAILURE][FAIL] Empty usages: generateKey({hash: SHA-256, length: 256, name: HMAC}, false, [])
Operation succeeded, but should not have Reached unreachable code
assert_unreached: Operation succeeded, but should not have Reached unreachable code
at /home/luyahan/node/test/fixtures/wpt/WebCryptoAPI/generateKey/failures.js:71:17
Command: /home/luyahan/node/out/Debug/node /home/luyahan/node/test/wpt/test-webcrypto.js generateKey/failures_HMAC.https.any.js
---- import_export/rsa_importKey.https.any.js ----
[PASS] Good parameters: 1024 bits (pkcs8, buffer(636), {hash: SHA-1, name: RSA-OAEP}, true, [decrypt])
---- import_export/rsa_importKey.https.any.js ----
[PASS] Good parameters: 1024 bits (jwk, object(kty, n, e, d, p, q, dp, dq, qi), {hash: SHA-1, name: RSA-OAEP}, true, [decrypt])
---- derive_bits_keys/ecdh_bits.https.any.js ----
[PASS] P-521 with null length
---- derive_bits_keys/ecdh_keys.https.any.js ----
[PASS] P-256 good parameters
---- generateKey/failures_ECDSA.https.any.js ----
[EXPECTED_FAILURE][FAIL] Empty usages: generateKey({name: ECDSA, namedCurve: P-384}, false, [])
Expected NotSupportedError but got TypeError
assert_unreached: Operation succeeded, but should not have Reached unreachable code
at /home/luyahan/node/test/fixtures/wpt/WebCryptoAPI/generateKey/failures.js:71:17
Command: /home/luyahan/node/out/Debug/node /home/luyahan/node/test/wpt/test-webcrypto.js generateKey/failures_ECDSA.https.any.js
---- generateKey/failures_ECDH.https.any.js ----
[EXPECTED_FAILURE][FAIL] Empty usages: generateKey({name: ECDH, namedCurve: P-384}, false, [])
Expected NotSupportedError but got TypeError
assert_unreached: Operation succeeded, but should not have Reached unreachable code
at /home/luyahan/node/test/fixtures/wpt/WebCryptoAPI/generateKey/failures.js:71:17
Command: /home/luyahan/node/out/Debug/node /home/luyahan/node/test/wpt/test-webcrypto.js generateKey/failures_ECDH.https.any.js
---- generateKey/failures_AES-CTR.https.any.js ----
[EXPECTED_FAILURE][FAIL] Empty usages: generateKey({length: 192, name: AES-CTR}, false, [])
Expected OperationError but got TypeError
assert_unreached: Operation succeeded, but should not have Reached unreachable code
at /home/luyahan/node/test/fixtures/wpt/WebCryptoAPI/generateKey/failures.js:71:17
Command: /home/luyahan/node/out/Debug/node /home/luyahan/node/test/wpt/test-webcrypto.js generateKey/failures_AES-CTR.https.any.js
---- generateKey/failures_AES-KW.https.any.js ----
[EXPECTED_FAILURE][FAIL] Bad usages: generateKey({length: 128, name: AES-KW}, true, [unwrapKey, encrypt])
Expected OperationError but got TypeError
assert_unreached: Operation succeeded, but should not have Reached unreachable code
at /home/luyahan/node/test/fixtures/wpt/WebCryptoAPI/generateKey/failures.js:71:17
Command: /home/luyahan/node/out/Debug/node /home/luyahan/node/test/wpt/test-webcrypto.js generateKey/failures_AES-KW.https.any.js
---- sign_verify/hmac.https.any.js ----
[PASS] HMAC with SHA-512 verification
---- sign_verify/rsa_pkcs.https.any.js ----
[PASS] RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 with SHA-384 verification
---- generateKey/failures_AES-CBC.https.any.js ----
[EXPECTED_FAILURE][FAIL] Empty usages: generateKey({length: 192, name: AES-CBC}, false, [])
Expected OperationError but got TypeError
assert_unreached: Operation succeeded, but should not have Reached unreachable code
at /home/luyahan/node/test/fixtures/wpt/WebCryptoAPI/generateKey/failures.js:71:17
Command: /home/luyahan/node/out/Debug/node /home/luyahan/node/test/wpt/test-webcrypto.js generateKey/failures_AES-CBC.https.any.js
---- generateKey/failures_AES-GCM.https.any.js ----
[EXPECTED_FAILURE][FAIL] Empty usages: generateKey({length: 192, name: AES-GCM}, false, [])
Expected OperationError but got TypeError
assert_unreached: Operation succeeded, but should not have Reached unreachable code
at /home/luyahan/node/test/fixtures/wpt/WebCryptoAPI/generateKey/failures.js:71:17
Command: /home/luyahan/node/out/Debug/node /home/luyahan/node/test/wpt/test-webcrypto.js generateKey/failures_AES-GCM.https.any.js
---- sign_verify/ecdsa.https.any.js ----
[PASS] ECDSA P-256 with SHA-1 verification
---- import_export/ec_importKey.https.any.js ----
[PASS] Good parameters: P-384 bits (pkcs8, buffer(185), {name: ECDSA, namedCurve: P-384}, true, [sign])
---- import_export/ec_importKey.https.any.js ----
[PASS] Good parameters: P-384 bits (jwk, object(kty, crv, x, y, d), {name: ECDSA, namedCurve: P-384}, true, [sign])
---- import_export/ec_importKey.https.any.js ----
[PASS] Good parameters: P-384 bits (spki, buffer(120), {name: ECDSA, namedCurve: P-384}, false, [])
---- import_export/ec_importKey.https.any.js ----
[PASS] Good parameters: P-384 bits (jwk, object(kty, crv, x, y), {name: ECDSA, namedCurve: P-384}, false, [])
---- import_export/ec_importKey.https.any.js ----
[PASS] Good parameters: P-384 bits (pkcs8, buffer(185), {name: ECDSA, namedCurve: P-384}, false, [sign])
---- import_export/ec_importKey.https.any.js ----
[PASS] Good parameters: P-384 bits (jwk, object(kty, crv, x, y, d), {name: ECDSA, namedCurve: P-384}, false, [sign])
---- generateKey/failures_RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5.https.any.js ----
[EXPECTED_FAILURE][FAIL] Bad algorithm property: generateKey({hash: SHA-256, modulusLength: 1024, name: RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5, publicExponent: {0: 1}}, true, [sign])
Operation succeeded, but should not have Reached unreachable code
assert_unreached: Operation succeeded, but should not have Reached unreachable code
at /home/luyahan/node/test/fixtures/wpt/WebCryptoAPI/generateKey/failures.js:71:17
Command: /home/luyahan/node/out/Debug/node /home/luyahan/node/test/wpt/test-webcrypto.js generateKey/failures_RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5.https.any.js
---- generateKey/failures_HMAC.https.any.js ----
[EXPECTED_FAILURE][FAIL] Empty usages: generateKey({hash: SHA-256, length: 256, name: HMAC}, true, [])
Operation succeeded, but should not have Reached unreachable code
assert_unreached: Operation succeeded, but should not have Reached unreachable code
at /home/luyahan/node/test/fixtures/wpt/WebCryptoAPI/generateKey/failures.js:71:17
Command: /home/luyahan/node/out/Debug/node /home/luyahan/node/test/wpt/test-webcrypto.js generateKey/failures_HMAC.https.any.js
---- sign_verify/rsa_pss.https.any.js ----
[PASS] RSA-PSS with SHA-384 and no salt verification
---- generateKey/failures_RSA-PSS.https.any.js ----
[EXPECTED_FAILURE][FAIL] Bad algorithm property: generateKey({hash: SHA-256, modulusLength: 1024, name: RSA-PSS, publicExponent: {0: 1}}, true, [sign])
Operation succeeded, but should not have Reached unreachable code
assert_unreached: Operation succeeded, but should not have Reached unreachable code
at /home/luyahan/node/test/fixtures/wpt/WebCryptoAPI/generateKey/failures.js:71:17
Command: /home/luyahan/node/out/Debug/node /home/luyahan/node/test/wpt/test-webcrypto.js generateKey/failures_RSA-PSS.https.any.js
---- import_export/rsa_importKey.https.any.js ----
[PASS] Good parameters: 1024 bits (pkcs8, buffer(636), {hash: SHA-1, name: RSA-OAEP}, true, [unwrapKey, decrypt])
---- import_export/rsa_importKey.https.any.js ----
[PASS] Good parameters: 1024 bits (jwk, object(kty, n, e, d, p, q, dp, dq, qi), {hash: SHA-1, name: RSA-OAEP}, true, [unwrapKey, decrypt])
---- encrypt_decrypt/rsa_oaep.https.any.js ----
[PASS] RSA-OAEP with SHA-384 and no label decryption
---- derive_bits_keys/ecdh_keys.https.any.js ----
[PASS] P-256 mixed case parameters
---- derive_bits_keys/ecdh_keys.https.any.js ----
[PASS] P-256 missing public curve
---- derive_bits_keys/ecdh_keys.https.any.js ----
[PASS] P-256 public property of algorithm is not a CryptoKey
---- derive_bits_keys/ecdh_keys.https.any.js ----
[PASS] P-256 mismatched curves
---- derive_bits_keys/ecdh_keys.https.any.js ----
[PASS] P-256 public property of algorithm is not an ECDSA public key
---- derive_bits_keys/ecdh_keys.https.any.js ----
[PASS] P-256 no deriveKey usage for base key
---- derive_bits_keys/ecdh_keys.https.any.js ----
[PASS] P-256 base key is not a private key
---- derive_bits_keys/ecdh_keys.https.any.js ----
[PASS] P-256 public property value is a private key
---- generateKey/failures_ECDSA.https.any.js ----
[EXPECTED_FAILURE][FAIL] Empty usages: generateKey({name: ECDSA, namedCurve: P-384}, true, [])
Expected NotSupportedError but got TypeError
assert_unreached: Operation succeeded, but should not have Reached unreachable code
at /home/luyahan/node/test/fixtures/wpt/WebCryptoAPI/generateKey/failures.js:71:17
Command: /home/luyahan/node/out/Debug/node /home/luyahan/node/test/wpt/test-webcrypto.js generateKey/failures_ECDSA.https.any.js
---- generateKey/failures_ECDH.https.any.js ----
[EXPECTED_FAILURE][FAIL] Empty usages: generateKey({name: ECDH, namedCurve: P-384}, true, [])
Expected NotSupportedError but got TypeError
assert_unreached: Operation succeeded, but should not have Reached unreachable code
at /home/luyahan/node/test/fixtures/wpt/WebCryptoAPI/generateKey/failures.js:71:17
Command: /home/luyahan/node/out/Debug/node /home/luyahan/node/test/wpt/test-webcrypto.js generateKey/failures_ECDH.https.any.js
---- sign_verify/rsa_pkcs.https.any.js ----
[PASS] RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 with SHA-512 verification
---- sign_verify/hmac.https.any.js ----
[PASS] HMAC with SHA-1 verification with altered signature after call
---- generateKey/failures_AES-CBC.https.any.js ----
[EXPECTED_FAILURE][FAIL] Empty usages: generateKey({length: 192, name: AES-CBC}, true, [])
Expected OperationError but got TypeError
assert_unreached: Operation succeeded, but should not have Reached unreachable code
at /home/luyahan/node/test/fixtures/wpt/WebCryptoAPI/generateKey/failures.js:71:17
Command: /home/luyahan/node/out/Debug/node /home/luyahan/node/test/wpt/test-webcrypto.js generateKey/failures_AES-CBC.https.any.js
---- generateKey/failures_AES-KW.https.any.js ----
[EXPECTED_FAILURE][FAIL] Bad usages: generateKey({length: 128, name: AES-KW}, true, [wrapKey, unwrapKey, wrapKey, unwrapKey, encrypt])
Expected OperationError but got TypeError
assert_unreached: Operation succeeded, but should not have Reached unreachable code
at /home/luyahan/node/test/fixtures/wpt/WebCryptoAPI/generateKey/failures.js:71:17
Command: /home/luyahan/node/out/Debug/node /home/luyahan/node/test/wpt/test-webcrypto.js generateKey/failures_AES-KW.https.any.js
---- generateKey/failures_AES-GCM.https.any.js ----
[EXPECTED_FAILURE][FAIL] Empty usages: generateKey({length: 192, name: AES-GCM}, true, [])
Expected OperationError but got TypeError
assert_unreached: Operation succeeded, but should not have Reached unreachable code
at /home/luyahan/node/test/fixtures/wpt/WebCryptoAPI/generateKey/failures.js:71:17
Command: /home/luyahan/node/out/Debug/node /home/luyahan/node/test/wpt/test-webcrypto.js generateKey/failures_AES-GCM.https.any.js
---- generateKey/failures_AES-CTR.https.any.js ----
[EXPECTED_FAILURE][FAIL] Empty usages: generateKey({length: 192, name: AES-CTR}, true, [])
Expected OperationError but got TypeError
assert_unreached: Operation succeeded, but should not have Reached unreachable code
at /home/luyahan/node/test/fixtures/wpt/WebCryptoAPI/generateKey/failures.js:71:17
Command: /home/luyahan/node/out/Debug/node /home/luyahan/node/test/wpt/test-webcrypto.js generateKey/failures_AES-CTR.https.any.js
---- sign_verify/ecdsa.https.any.js ----
[PASS] ECDSA P-256 with SHA-256 verification
---- import_export/ec_importKey.https.any.js ----
[PASS] Good parameters: P-521 bits (spki, buffer(158), {name: ECDSA, namedCurve: P-521}, true, [])
---- import_export/ec_importKey.https.any.js ----
[PASS] Good parameters: P-521 bits (jwk, object(kty, crv, x, y), {name: ECDSA, namedCurve: P-521}, true, [])
---- derive_bits_keys/ecdh_bits.https.any.js ----
[PASS] P-521 short result
---- generateKey/failures_HMAC.https.any.js ----
[EXPECTED_FAILURE][FAIL] Empty usages: generateKey({hash: SHA-384, length: 384, name: HMAC}, false, [])
Operation succeeded, but should not have Reached unreachable code
assert_unreached: Operation succeeded, but should not have Reached unreachable code
at /home/luyahan/node/test/fixtures/wpt/WebCryptoAPI/generateKey/failures.js:71:17
Command: /home/luyahan/node/out/Debug/node /home/luyahan/node/test/wpt/test-webcrypto.js generateKey/failures_HMAC.https.any.js
---- sign_verify/rsa_pss.https.any.js ----
[PASS] RSA-PSS with SHA-512 and no salt verification
(node:141309) internal/test/binding: These APIs are for internal testing only. Do not use them.
(Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
(node:141309) internal/test/binding: These APIs are for internal testing only. Do not use them.
(Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
(node:141309) internal/test/binding: These APIs are for internal testing only. Do not use them.
(Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
(node:141309) internal/test/binding: These APIs are for internal testing only. Do not use them.
(Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
(node:141309) internal/test/binding: These APIs are for internal testing only. Do not use them.
(Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
(node:141309) internal/test/binding: These APIs are for internal testing only. Do not use them.
(Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
(node:141309) internal/test/binding: These APIs are for internal testing only. Do not use them.
(Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
(node:141309) internal/test/binding: These APIs are for internal testing only. Do not use them.
(Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
(node:141309) internal/test/binding: These APIs are for internal testing only. Do not use them.
(Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
(node:141309) internal/test/binding: These APIs are for internal testing only. Do not use them.
(Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
(node:141309) internal/test/binding: These APIs are for internal testing only. Do not use them.
(Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
(node:141309) internal/test/binding: These APIs are for internal testing only. Do not use them.
(Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
(node:141309) internal/test/binding: These APIs are for internal testing only. Do not use them.
(Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
(node:141309) internal/test/binding: These APIs are for internal testing only. Do not use them.
(Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
(node:141309) internal/test/binding: These APIs are for internal testing only. Do not use them.
(Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
(node:141309) internal/test/binding: These APIs are for internal testing only. Do not use them.
(Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
(node:141309) internal/test/binding: These APIs are for internal testing only. Do not use them.
(Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
(node:141309) internal/test/binding: These APIs are for internal testing only. Do not use them.
(Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
(node:141309) internal/test/binding: These APIs are for internal testing only. Do not use them.
(Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
(node:141309) internal/test/binding: These APIs are for internal testing only. Do not use them.
(Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
(node:141309) internal/test/binding: These APIs are for internal testing only. Do not use them.
(Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
(node:141309) internal/test/binding: These APIs are for internal testing only. Do not use them.
(Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
(node:141309) internal/test/binding: These APIs are for internal testing only. Do not use them.
(Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
(node:141309) internal/test/binding: These APIs are for internal testing only. Do not use them.
(Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
(node:141309) internal/test/binding: These APIs are for internal testing only. Do not use them.
(Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
(node:141309) internal/test/binding: These APIs are for internal testing only. Do not use them.
(Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
(node:141309) internal/test/binding: These APIs are for internal testing only. Do not use them.
(Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
(node:141309) internal/test/binding: These APIs are for internal testing only. Do not use them.
(Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
(node:141309) internal/test/binding: These APIs are for internal testing only. Do not use them.
(Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
(node:141309) internal/test/binding: These APIs are for internal testing only. Do not use them.
(Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
(node:141309) internal/test/binding: These APIs are for internal testing only. Do not use them.
(Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
(node:141309) internal/test/binding: These APIs are for internal testing only. Do not use them.
(Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
(node:141309) internal/test/binding: These APIs are for internal testing only. Do not use them.
(Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
(node:141309) internal/test/binding: These APIs are for internal testing only. Do not use them.
(Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
(node:141309) internal/test/binding: These APIs are for internal testing only. Do not use them.
(Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
(node:141309) internal/test/binding: These APIs are for internal testing only. Do not use them.
(Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
(node:141309) internal/test/binding: These APIs are for internal testing only. Do not use them.
(Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
(node:141309) internal/test/binding: These APIs are for internal testing only. Do not use them.
(Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
(node:141309) internal/test/binding: These APIs are for internal testing only. Do not use them.
(Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
(node:141309) internal/test/binding: These APIs are for internal testing only. Do not use them.
(Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
(node:141309) internal/test/binding: These APIs are for internal testing only. Do not use them.
(Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
# Fatal error in ../deps/v8/src/codegen/riscv64/assembler-riscv64.cc, line 421
# Debug check failed: IsJalr(instr_I) || IsAddi(instr_I).
#FailureMessage Object: 0x3e79038320
Command: out/Debug/node /home/luyahan/node/test/wpt/test-webcrypto.js
--- CRASHED (Signal: 5) ---
=== debug test-diagnostic-dir-cpu-prof ===
Path: sequential/test-diagnostic-dir-cpu-prof
Dispatching message { "id": 1, "method": "Profiler.enable" }
Receive CPU profile message
Dispatching message { "id": 2, "method": "Profiler.start" }
Receive CPU profile message
Dispatching message { "id": 3, "method": "Profiler.setSamplingInterval", "params": { "interval": 50 } }
Receive CPU profile message
{"id":3,"error":{"code":-32000,"message":"Cannot change sampling interval when profiling."}}
throw new AssertionError(obj);
AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]: Expected values to be strictly equal:
null !== 0
at Object.<anonymous> (/home/luyahan/node/test/sequential/test-diagnostic-dir-cpu-prof.js:71:10)
at Module._compile (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1095:14)
at Object.Module._extensions..js (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1147:10)
at Module.load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:975:32)
at Function.Module._load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:822:12)
at Function.executeUserEntryPoint [as runMain] (node:internal/modules/run_main:81:12)
at node:internal/main/run_main_module:17:47 {
generatedMessage: true,
actual: null,
expected: 0,
operator: 'strictEqual'
Node.js v17.0.0-pre
Command: out/Debug/node /home/luyahan/node/test/sequential/test-diagnostic-dir-cpu-prof.js
=== debug test-perf-hooks ===
Path: sequential/test-perf-hooks
name: 'node',
entryType: 'node',
startTime: 0,
duration: { around: 2394.318531036377 },
nodeStart: { around: 0 },
v8Start: { around: 0 },
bootstrapComplete: { around: 2393.705526828766, delay: 2500 },
environment: { around: 0 },
loopStart: -1,
loopExit: -1
throw err;
AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]: environment: 424.4179320335388 >= 250
at checkNodeTiming (/home/luyahan/node/test/sequential/test-perf-hooks.js:31:7)
at Object.<anonymous> (/home/luyahan/node/test/sequential/test-perf-hooks.js:43:1)
at Module._compile (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1095:14)
at Object.Module._extensions..js (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1147:10)
at Module.load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:975:32)
at Function.Module._load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:822:12)
at Function.executeUserEntryPoint [as runMain] (node:internal/modules/run_main:81:12)
at node:internal/main/run_main_module:17:47 {
generatedMessage: false,
actual: false,
expected: true,
operator: '=='
Node.js v17.0.0-pre
Command: out/Debug/node /home/luyahan/node/test/sequential/test-perf-hooks.js
=== debug test-tls-psk-client ===
Path: sequential/test-tls-psk-client
Failed: Timeouted
Failed: Error: read ECONNRESET
at TLSWrap.onStreamRead (node:internal/stream_base_commons:220:20) {
errno: -104,
syscall: 'read'
Command: out/Debug/node /home/luyahan/node/test/sequential/test-tls-psk-client.js
[99:10|% 100|+ 3293|- 19]: Done