v923z / micropython-ulab

a numpy-like fast vector module for micropython, circuitpython, and their derivatives
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[FEATURE REQUEST] implement scipy.signal.zpk2sos #449

Closed wired8 closed 2 years ago

wired8 commented 2 years ago

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def zpk2sos(z, p, k, pairing='nearest'):
    Return second-order sections from zeros, poles, and gain of a system
    z : array_like
        Zeros of the transfer function.
    p : array_like
        Poles of the transfer function.
    k : float
        System gain.
    pairing : {'nearest', 'keep_odd'}, optional
        The method to use to combine pairs of poles and zeros into sections.
        See Notes below.
    sos : ndarray
        Array of second-order filter coefficients, with shape
        ``(n_sections, 6)``. See `sosfilt` for the SOS filter format
    See Also
    The algorithm used to convert ZPK to SOS format is designed to
    minimize errors due to numerical precision issues. The pairing
    algorithm attempts to minimize the peak gain of each biquadratic
    section. This is done by pairing poles with the nearest zeros, starting
    with the poles closest to the unit circle.
    The current algorithms are designed specifically for use with digital
    filters. (The output coefficients are not correct for analog filters.)
    The steps in the ``pairing='nearest'`` and ``pairing='keep_odd'``
    algorithms are mostly shared. The ``nearest`` algorithm attempts to
    minimize the peak gain, while ``'keep_odd'`` minimizes peak gain under
    the constraint that odd-order systems should retain one section
    as first order. The algorithm steps and are as follows:
    As a pre-processing step, add poles or zeros to the origin as
    necessary to obtain the same number of poles and zeros for pairing.
    If ``pairing == 'nearest'`` and there are an odd number of poles,
    add an additional pole and a zero at the origin.
    The following steps are then iterated over until no more poles or
    zeros remain:
    1. Take the (next remaining) pole (complex or real) closest to the
       unit circle to begin a new filter section.
    2. If the pole is real and there are no other remaining real poles [#]_,
       add the closest real zero to the section and leave it as a first
       order section. Note that after this step we are guaranteed to be
       left with an even number of real poles, complex poles, real zeros,
       and complex zeros for subsequent pairing iterations.
    3. Else:
        1. If the pole is complex and the zero is the only remaining real
           zero*, then pair the pole with the *next* closest zero
           (guaranteed to be complex). This is necessary to ensure that
           there will be a real zero remaining to eventually create a
           first-order section (thus keeping the odd order).
        2. Else pair the pole with the closest remaining zero (complex or
        3. Proceed to complete the second-order section by adding another
           pole and zero to the current pole and zero in the section:
            1. If the current pole and zero are both complex, add their
            2. Else if the pole is complex and the zero is real, add the
               conjugate pole and the next closest real zero.
            3. Else if the pole is real and the zero is complex, add the
               conjugate zero and the real pole closest to those zeros.
            4. Else (we must have a real pole and real zero) add the next
               real pole closest to the unit circle, and then add the real
               zero closest to that pole.
    .. [#] This conditional can only be met for specific odd-order inputs
           with the ``pairing == 'keep_odd'`` method.
    .. versionadded:: 0.16.0
    Design a 6th order low-pass elliptic digital filter for a system with a
    sampling rate of 8000 Hz that has a pass-band corner frequency of
    1000 Hz. The ripple in the pass-band should not exceed 0.087 dB, and
    the attenuation in the stop-band should be at least 90 dB.
    In the following call to `signal.ellip`, we could use ``output='sos'``,
    but for this example, we'll use ``output='zpk'``, and then convert to SOS
    format with `zpk2sos`:
    >>> from scipy import signal
    >>> z, p, k = signal.ellip(6, 0.087, 90, 1000/(0.5*8000), output='zpk')
    Now convert to SOS format.
    >>> sos = signal.zpk2sos(z, p, k)
    The coefficients of the numerators of the sections:
    >>> sos[:, :3]
    array([[ 0.0014154 ,  0.00248707,  0.0014154 ],
           [ 1.        ,  0.72965193,  1.        ],
           [ 1.        ,  0.17594966,  1.        ]])
    The symmetry in the coefficients occurs because all the zeros are on the
    unit circle.
    The coefficients of the denominators of the sections:
    >>> sos[:, 3:]
    array([[ 1.        , -1.32543251,  0.46989499],
           [ 1.        , -1.26117915,  0.6262586 ],
           [ 1.        , -1.25707217,  0.86199667]])
    The next example shows the effect of the `pairing` option.  We have a
    system with three poles and three zeros, so the SOS array will have
    shape (2, 6). The means there is, in effect, an extra pole and an extra
    zero at the origin in the SOS representation.
    >>> z1 = np.array([-1, -0.5-0.5j, -0.5+0.5j])
    >>> p1 = np.array([0.75, 0.8+0.1j, 0.8-0.1j])
    With ``pairing='nearest'`` (the default), we obtain
    >>> signal.zpk2sos(z1, p1, 1)
    array([[ 1.  ,  1.  ,  0.5 ,  1.  , -0.75,  0.  ],
           [ 1.  ,  1.  ,  0.  ,  1.  , -1.6 ,  0.65]])
    The first section has the zeros {-0.5-0.05j, -0.5+0.5j} and the poles
    {0, 0.75}, and the second section has the zeros {-1, 0} and poles
    {0.8+0.1j, 0.8-0.1j}. Note that the extra pole and zero at the origin
    have been assigned to different sections.
    With ``pairing='keep_odd'``, we obtain:
    >>> signal.zpk2sos(z1, p1, 1, pairing='keep_odd')
    array([[ 1.  ,  1.  ,  0.  ,  1.  , -0.75,  0.  ],
           [ 1.  ,  1.  ,  0.5 ,  1.  , -1.6 ,  0.65]])
    The extra pole and zero at the origin are in the same section.
    The first section is, in effect, a first-order section.
    # TODO in the near future:
    # 1. Add SOS capability to `filtfilt`, `freqz`, etc. somehow (#3259).
    # 2. Make `decimate` use `sosfilt` instead of `lfilter`.
    # 3. Make sosfilt automatically simplify sections to first order
    #    when possible. Note this might make `sosfiltfilt` a bit harder (ICs).
    # 4. Further optimizations of the section ordering / pole-zero pairing.
    # See the wiki for other potential issues.

    valid_pairings = ['nearest', 'keep_odd']
    if pairing not in valid_pairings:
        raise ValueError('pairing must be one of %s, not %s'
                         % (valid_pairings, pairing))
    if len(z) == len(p) == 0:
        return array([[k, 0., 0., 1., 0., 0.]])

    # ensure we have the same number of poles and zeros, and make copies
    p = np.concatenate((p, np.zeros(max(len(z) - len(p), 0))))
    z = np.concatenate((z, np.zeros(max(len(p) - len(z), 0))))
    n_sections = (max(len(p), len(z)) + 1) // 2
    sos = zeros((n_sections, 6))

    if len(p) % 2 == 1 and pairing == 'nearest':
        p = np.concatenate((p, [0.]))
        z = np.concatenate((z, [0.]))
    assert len(p) == len(z)

    # Ensure we have complex conjugate pairs
    # (note that _cplxreal only gives us one element of each complex pair):
    z = np.concatenate(_cplxreal(z))
    p = np.concatenate(_cplxreal(p))

    p_sos = np.zeros((n_sections, 2), np.complex128)
    z_sos = np.zeros_like(p_sos)
    for si in range(n_sections):
        # Select the next "worst" pole
        p1_idx = np.argmin(np.abs(1 - np.abs(p)))
        p1 = p[p1_idx]
        p = np.delete(p, p1_idx)

        # Pair that pole with a zero

        if np.isreal(p1) and np.isreal(p).sum() == 0:
            # Special case to set a first-order section
            z1_idx = _nearest_real_complex_idx(z, p1, 'real')
            z1 = z[z1_idx]
            z = np.delete(z, z1_idx)
            p2 = z2 = 0
            if not np.isreal(p1) and np.isreal(z).sum() == 1:
                # Special case to ensure we choose a complex zero to pair
                # with so later (setting up a first-order section)
                z1_idx = _nearest_real_complex_idx(z, p1, 'complex')
                assert not np.isreal(z[z1_idx])
                # Pair the pole with the closest zero (real or complex)
                z1_idx = np.argmin(np.abs(p1 - z))
            z1 = z[z1_idx]
            z = np.delete(z, z1_idx)

            # Now that we have p1 and z1, figure out what p2 and z2 need to be
            if not np.isreal(p1):
                if not np.isreal(z1):  # complex pole, complex zero
                    p2 = p1.conj()
                    z2 = z1.conj()
                else:  # complex pole, real zero
                    p2 = p1.conj()
                    z2_idx = _nearest_real_complex_idx(z, p1, 'real')
                    z2 = z[z2_idx]
                    assert np.isreal(z2)
                    z = np.delete(z, z2_idx)
                if not np.isreal(z1):  # real pole, complex zero
                    z2 = z1.conj()
                    p2_idx = _nearest_real_complex_idx(p, z1, 'real')
                    p2 = p[p2_idx]
                    assert np.isreal(p2)
                else:  # real pole, real zero
                    # pick the next "worst" pole to use
                    idx = np.nonzero(np.isreal(p))[0]
                    assert len(idx) > 0
                    p2_idx = idx[np.argmin(np.abs(np.abs(p[idx]) - 1))]
                    p2 = p[p2_idx]
                    # find a real zero to match the added pole
                    assert np.isreal(p2)
                    z2_idx = _nearest_real_complex_idx(z, p2, 'real')
                    z2 = z[z2_idx]
                    assert np.isreal(z2)
                    z = np.delete(z, z2_idx)
                p = np.delete(p, p2_idx)
        p_sos[si] = [p1, p2]
        z_sos[si] = [z1, z2]
    assert len(p) == len(z) == 0  # we've consumed all poles and zeros
    del p, z

    # Construct the system, reversing order so the "worst" are last
    p_sos = np.reshape(p_sos[::-1], (n_sections, 2))
    z_sos = np.reshape(z_sos[::-1], (n_sections, 2))
    gains = np.ones(n_sections, np.array(k).dtype)
    gains[0] = k
    for si in range(n_sections):
        x = zpk2tf(z_sos[si], p_sos[si], gains[si])
        sos[si] = np.concatenate(x)
    return sos
v923z commented 2 years ago

@wired8 Could you, please, try to figure out, how much of the code must be in C, and how much of it can be in snippets? This also applies to https://github.com/v923z/micropython-ulab/issues/448, and https://github.com/v923z/micropython-ulab/issues/447.