vCheckReport / vCheck-NSX

vCheck-NSX is an NSX-focussed reporting tool that can give you a periodic (i.e. Daily) look into the health of your platform.
MIT License
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Readme update #3

Closed davehocking closed 7 years ago

davehocking commented 7 years ago

OK, suggested changes made from previous PR

vScripter commented 7 years ago

It might be better suited to check for the module, even if it's not loaded, and then attempt to install. This example shows how you could accomplish that (sorry for format changes; my IDE auto-formats on paste)

# Check for PowerNSX presence (version 2.x), and link to installer if missing
$nsxModuleCheck = $null
$nsxModuleCheck = Get-Module -ListAvailable | Where-Object { $psitem.Name -eq 'PowerNSX' -and $psitem.version -like '2.*' }

if (!$nsxModuleCheck) {
davehocking commented 7 years ago

ahh yes, mine is a little crude by comparison! - will update shortly

davehocking commented 7 years ago

ok, updates made

vScripter commented 7 years ago

@davehocking PR closed and I removed the readme-update branch. 👍

davehocking commented 7 years ago

What happens next? - How does this change make it to "master" ?

vScripter commented 7 years ago

@davehocking I created a release branch and then merged into master. Typically, we will work in the develop branch until there are enough changes made to warrant a release (stable/fully functional build). Modifying a README file is really more of a 'Hotfix', and typically is just pulled and pushed to master and develop. I'm using the Git-Flow methodology: a good writeup can be found here, if you want to ready more about it:

davehocking commented 7 years ago

thanks, reading.. :)