vKolerts / sidenoder

Cross platform Sideloader for Quest standalone headset and other android devices
MIT License
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i/o error when sideloading #11

Open fadelchaidarf opened 2 years ago

fadelchaidarf commented 2 years ago

When trying to install any game on any mirror, it immediately fails to download APK with the following error: Error: EIO: i/o error, copyfile '/var/folders/s0/3bh55wy95659jq0prgpg_95n40df0m/T/mnt/Quest Games/Walkabout Mini Golf v5943+2.7 -VRP/Walkabout Mini Golf v5943+2.7 -VRP.apk' -> '/Users/fadelchaidarf/Documents/Walkabout Mini Golf v5943+2.7 -VRP.apk.part'

Using v0.7.3, rclone_all_141121.conf, and MacOS


Also it said this error an all mirrors except for FFA-06. What this error mean and how do I resolve it? image

KaladinDMP commented 2 years ago

This is very obviously a server issue not a sidenoder issue. Also FFA doesn't use gamelist.txt only vrp does.... Clearly says in the error to change mirrors. I/o means over quota. Please read other "issues" before bothering this guy who made a great program. He has no control over mirror quota

fadelchaidarf commented 2 years ago

This is very obviously a server issue not a sidenoder issue

That's why I explained that I tried every server with the same error, I previously thought that all servers are down is impossible but maybe it is possible

Also FFA doesn't use gamelist.txt only vrp does

Where can I learn more about this? Because when I tried FFA-01 - FFA-04 it did said GameList.txt error

Please read other "issues" before bothering this guy who made a great program. He has no control over mirror quota

That's my bad that I didn't read the other issues in this github. But I would argue if it happens so much may I suggest a better handling when i/o error occurs? Maybe a warning that explain that i/o error means over quota, because AFAIK i/o simply means input output and doesn't really means over quota to the user.

But I really do appreciate all the work that have been done on this program. I genuinely love that I can browse games visually and immediately click the youtube & oculus page to learn more about the game. Hopefully the "issues" that have been brought up in this github is a sign to what could be improved from the program so that it can be used by many more people

KaladinDMP commented 2 years ago

You will likely get it a lot more. FFA is encrypting those mirrors (the old ones) and going to a larger mirror list. There's already 14 mirrors I believe and that may be your issue with that config is that those mirrors aren't authorized anymore . See if a new ones available at t.me/sidenoder or trythe vrp/FFA config for close to 50 mirrors in all.

It's possible gamelist.txt is a generalized term for gamelist here. VRPs is actually called gamelist.txt and FFAs is called FFA1, 2 and 3. If you want to learn more about the groups mirrors you can try their telegrams. t.me/VRPirates or t.me/FFAMain

Also mirror quota is only one possible server error. The main issue is that the dev doesn't control the mirrors so his program is at the mercy of 2 groups whims. He cleverly makes the program to work well under certain circumstances but both VRP and FFA are known to change things for Rookies and @ loader (their windows sideloaders) and unfortunately it ends up breaking things for this program since the changes are to reflect their sideloaders and not sidenoder, he has to diagnose the issue and code a fix which he does a great job of. I understand what your saying but over quota is literally an I/o error in rclone. Alot of devs have this issue, they name it what it is instead of dumbing it down, it covers a larger variety of errors but to the end user can be confusing if you're not use to using rclone to know what I/o error may mean. But he's just printing the actual error from rclone as far as I can tell.

I guess my point is this is for errors in the function of the program, but the program functions well. You can even use VRPs resilio sync keys (which is quotaless, p2p)and then point sidenoder at the quest folder and use it as intended. It takes extra steps but then you won't have to worry about over quota mirrors.

I can tell you that the quota issues aren't fun for anyone and the issue is being worked on. Vrp did something that borked their mirrors which causes FFA (a much smaller group) to be suddenly at max capacity when there was never an issue before. Both groups are working on the issue and as an admin of FFA I do know we are going to try to get our new encrypted mirrors to work with sidenoder because as of now it's the only way we have for Mac and Linux users to participate. I can't speak on if the dev will take your feature request seriously or not because it's much harder to code an error message then use one that is already being spit out by one of the components, in this case rclone, and get it to give a better message for the end user.

shrmanator commented 2 years ago

I'm getting the same I/O error. So @KaladinDMP ur saying it's an FFA/VRP problem and not related to sidenoder?

KaladinDMP commented 2 years ago

Basically yes. FFA mirrors aren't over quota tho I put the new all config up and I'm getting an error saying can't parse gamelist.txt.... only vrp uses gamelist.txt so that may have to do with sidenoder but normally I/o means over quota. If you can't see the game cards the mirror is down.

The main issue as I see it is sidenoder uses the mirrors but the dev doesn't get them from the groups. For example FFA has 10 mirrors on our software but only 5 or 6 show on sidenoder even with the all config. The dev may have better results if he worked with the groups whose mirrors he uses....

As of right now several files are over quota but no mirrors are for FFA.