vKolerts / sidenoder

Cross platform Sideloader for Quest standalone headset and other android devices
MIT License
71 stars 7 forks source link

"rclone not configured" (Linux) #33

Closed AndKe closed 2 years ago

AndKe commented 2 years ago

On current release (.AppImage) i get this error, (subject) - then Screenshot from 2022-06-12 15-22-26

Then all looks green

[6/12/2022, 3:27:14 PM.753] {
  platform: 'linux',
  arch: 'x64',
  version: '0.7.5',
  sidenoderHome: '/home/andre/sidenoder'
} linux x64 [ '/tmp/.mount_sidenokiCfSt/sidenoder' ] 
[6/12/2022, 3:27:14 PM.958] Meta version 726 
[6/12/2022, 3:27:15 PM.103] check_deps received adb 
[6/12/2022, 3:27:15 PM.103] checkDeps() adb 
[6/12/2022, 3:27:15 PM.103] check_deps received rclone 
[6/12/2022, 3:27:15 PM.103] checkDeps() rclone 
[6/12/2022, 3:27:15 PM.104] { cmd: '"/home/andre/sidenoder/rclone" --version' } 
[6/12/2022, 3:27:15 PM.110] check_deps received zip 
[6/12/2022, 3:27:15 PM.110] checkDeps() zip 
[6/12/2022, 3:27:15 PM.110] { cmd: '"/home/andre/sidenoder/7za" --help | grep  "7-Zip"' } 
[6/12/2022, 3:27:15 PM.115] check_deps received scrcpy 
[6/12/2022, 3:27:15 PM.115] checkDeps() scrcpy 
[6/12/2022, 3:27:15 PM.128] { cmd: '"scrcpy" --version' } 
[6/12/2022, 3:27:15 PM.133] { cmd: '"adb" start-server' } 
[6/12/2022, 3:27:15 PM.138] exec_stdout "/home/andre/sidenoder/7za" --help | grep  "7-Zip" 7-Zip (a) [64] 16.02 : Copyright (c) 1999-2016 Igor Pavlov : 2016-05-21

[6/12/2022, 3:27:15 PM.138] 7-Zip (a) [64] 16.02 : Copyright (c) 1999-2016 Igor Pavlov : 2016-05-21

[6/12/2022, 3:27:15 PM.142] exec_stdout "adb" start-server  
[6/12/2022, 3:27:15 PM.143] exec_stdout "/home/andre/sidenoder/rclone" --version rclone v1.55.1
- os/type: linux
- os/arch: amd64
- go/version: go1.16.3
- go/linking: static
- go/tags: none

[6/12/2022, 3:27:15 PM.145] { cmd: '"adb" version' } 
[6/12/2022, 3:27:15 PM.152] exec_stdout "adb" version Android Debug Bridge version 1.0.41
Version 28.0.2-debian
Installed as /usr/lib/android-sdk/platform-tools/adb

[6/12/2022, 3:27:15 PM.152] trackDevices() 
[6/12/2022, 3:27:15 PM.154] { devices: [ { id: '1WMHHB65ZZ1492', type: 'device' } ] } 
[6/12/2022, 3:27:15 PM.168] adbShell[1WMHHB65ZZ1492] { cmd: 'getprop ro.product.brand', output: 'oculus\n' } 
[6/12/2022, 3:27:15 PM.187] try kill rclone 
[6/12/2022, 3:27:15 PM.193] get_device_info received 
[6/12/2022, 3:27:15 PM.193] getStorageInfo() 
[6/12/2022, 3:27:15 PM.204] exec_stdout "scrcpy" --version scrcpy 1.21 <https://github.com/Genymobile/scrcpy>

[6/12/2022, 3:27:15 PM.205] killall -9 rclone error: Error: Command failed: killall -9 rclone
rclone: no process found

    at ChildProcess.exithandler (node:child_process:406:12)
    at ChildProcess.emit (node:events:390:28)
    at maybeClose (node:internal/child_process:1064:16)
    at Socket.<anonymous> (node:internal/child_process:450:11)
    at Socket.emit (node:events:390:28)
    at Pipe.<anonymous> (node:net:687:12) {
  killed: false,
  code: 1,
  signal: null,
  cmd: 'killall -9 rclone'
[6/12/2022, 3:27:15 PM.205] rclone not started 
[6/12/2022, 3:27:15 PM.205] { cmd: 'umount "/tmp/mnt"' } 
[6/12/2022, 3:27:15 PM.211] { cmd: 'fusermount -uz "/tmp/mnt"' } 
[6/12/2022, 3:27:15 PM.216] start rclone 
[6/12/2022, 3:27:15 PM.233] adbShell[1WMHHB65ZZ1492] {
  cmd: 'df -h | grep "/storage/emulated"',
  output: '/data/media     112G  5.3G  107G   5% /storage/emulated\n'
[6/12/2022, 3:27:15 PM.233] [ '112G', '5.3G', '107G', '5%' ] 
[6/12/2022, 3:27:15 PM.234] getUserInfo() 
[6/12/2022, 3:27:15 PM.238] ERROR: rclone error: Error: Command failed: "/home/andre/sidenoder/rclone" mount --read-only --rc --rc-no-auth --config="" VRP-mirror13: "/tmp/mnt"
Failed to load config file "/home/andre/sidenoder": read /home/andre/sidenoder: is a directory

    at ChildProcess.exithandler (node:child_process:406:12)
    at ChildProcess.emit (node:events:390:28)
    at maybeClose (node:internal/child_process:1064:16)
    at Socket.<anonymous> (node:internal/child_process:450:11)
    at Socket.emit (node:events:390:28)
    at Pipe.<anonymous> (node:net:687:12) {
  killed: false,
  code: 1,
  signal: null,
  cmd: '"/home/andre/sidenoder/rclone" mount --read-only --rc --rc-no-auth --config="" VRP-mirror13: "/tmp/mnt"'
[6/12/2022, 3:27:15 PM.239] { RCLONE_ID: 1, myId: 1 } 
[6/12/2022, 3:27:15 PM.256] icons list loaded 
[6/12/2022, 3:27:15 PM.263] adbShell[1WMHHB65ZZ1492] {
  cmd: 'dumpsys user | grep UserInfo',
  output: '  UserInfo{0:Andre Kjellstrup:13} serialNo=0 isPrimary=true\n'
[6/12/2022, 3:27:15 PM.263] getFwInfo() 
[6/12/2022, 3:27:15 PM.281] adbShell[1WMHHB65ZZ1492] {
  cmd: 'getprop ro.build.branch',
  output: 'releases-oculus-10.0-v40\n'
[6/12/2022, 3:27:15 PM.282] getBatteryInfo() 
[6/12/2022, 3:27:15 PM.299] adbShell[1WMHHB65ZZ1492] {
  cmd: 'dumpsys battery',
  output: 'Current Battery Service state:\n' +
    '  AC powered: false\n' +
    '  USB powered: true\n' +
    '  Wireless powered: false\n' +
    '  Max charging current: 500000\n' +
    '  Max charging voltage: 5000000\n' +
    '  Charge counter: 3592382\n' +
    '  status: 2\n' +
    '  health: 2\n' +
    '  present: true\n' +
    '  level: 95\n' +
    '  scale: 100\n' +
    '  voltage: 4340\n' +
    '  temperature: 300\n' +
    '  technology: Li-ion\n'
[6/12/2022, 3:27:15 PM.350] adbShell[1WMHHB65ZZ1492] {
  cmd: "ip -o route get to | sed -n 's/.*src \\([0-9.]\\+\\).*/\\1/p'",
  output: ''
[6/12/2022, 3:27:15 PM.350] { ip: '' } 
[6/12/2022, 3:27:15 PM.382] adbShell[1WMHHB65ZZ1492] {
  cmd: "ip addr show wlan0  | grep 'inet ' | cut -d ' ' -f 6 | cut -d / -f 1",
  output: '\n'
[6/12/2022, 3:27:15 PM.382] { ip: '' } 
[6/12/2022, 3:27:15 PM.427] adbShell[1WMHHB65ZZ1492] { cmd: 'settings get global wifi_on', output: '1\n' } 
[6/12/2022, 3:27:15 PM.565] kmetas loaded 
[6/12/2022, 3:27:16 PM.221] checkMount() 0 
[6/12/2022, 3:27:17 PM.223] checkMount() 1 
[6/12/2022, 3:27:18 PM.92] Current version: 0.7.5 
[6/12/2022, 3:27:18 PM.92] Github version: 0.7.5 
[6/12/2022, 3:27:18 PM.94] Using latest version 
[6/12/2022, 3:27:18 PM.224] checkMount() 2 
[6/12/2022, 3:27:19 PM.224] checkMount() 3 
[6/12/2022, 3:27:20 PM.226] checkMount() 4 
[6/12/2022, 3:27:21 PM.227] checkMount() 5 
[6/12/2022, 3:27:22 PM.229] checkMount() 6 
[6/12/2022, 3:27:23 PM.230] checkMount() 7 
[6/12/2022, 3:27:24 PM.232] checkMount() 8 
[6/12/2022, 3:27:25 PM.234] checkMount() 9 
[6/12/2022, 3:27:26 PM.236] checkMount() 10 
[6/12/2022, 3:27:27 PM.238] checkMount() 11 
[6/12/2022, 3:27:28 PM.240] checkMount() 12 
[6/12/2022, 3:27:29 PM.243] checkMount() 13 
[6/12/2022, 3:27:30 PM.245] checkMount() 14 
vKolerts commented 2 years ago

You need set rclone config file at settings.

AndKe commented 2 years ago

sorry - my bad - this looked more like an error, than missing configuration :)