Open pablokbs opened 10 years ago
Do you have plugin sync enabled and/or perhaps the puppetlabs mysql module installed? Looks like an outdated or wrong version of the mysql provider.
Yes, I have pluginsync enabled and I have the following modules
├── puppetlabs-apt (v1.5.0) ├── puppetlabs-concat (v1.1.0) ├── puppetlabs-mysql (v2.3.1) ├── puppetlabs-stdlib (v4.2.2) ├── vStone-percona (v1.3.3)
So, the problem will be that the percona module will use the puppetlabs-mysql provider stuff. I'll have to give it some thought on how we can work around this issue. Probably will have to consult with the co-author @arioch.
Thank you, you are right. I deleted the puppetlabs-mysql and the problem was fixed.
EDIT: I will leave the issue open
In order to have both modules working we could evaluate renaming mysql* functions to percona*. This would obviously break a number of environments.
I'd suggest that if we'd take this route to do it in a next major release and have a big fat warning next few minor releases.
We could also use a custom fact detecting both modules. Using fact precedence the Percona functions would get prioritised over Puppetlabs/MySQL functions.
lib/puppet/parser/functions/mysql_password.rb: newfunction(:mysql_password, :type => :rvalue) do |args|
lib/puppet/provider/mysql_database/mysql.rb:Puppet::Type.type(:mysql_database).provide(:mysql) do
lib/puppet/provider/mysql_grant/mysql.rb:Puppet::Type.type(:mysql_grant).provide(:mysql) do
lib/puppet/provider/mysql_user/mysql.rb:Puppet::Type.type(:mysql_user).provide(:mysql) do
lib/puppet/type/mysql_database.rb:Puppet::Type.newtype(:mysql_database) do
lib/puppet/type/mysql_grant.rb:Puppet::Type.newtype(:mysql_grant) do
lib/puppet/type/mysql_user.rb:Puppet::Type.newtype(:mysql_user) do
manifests/database.pp: mysql_database { $name:
manifests/rights.pp: if ! defined(Mysql_user["${_user}@${_host}"]) {
manifests/rights.pp: undef => mysql_password($password),
manifests/rights.pp: mysql_user { "${_user}@${_host}":
manifests/rights.pp: mysql_grant { $grant_name:
manifests/rights.pp: Mysql_user["${_user}@${_host}"],
I am using puppetlabs-mysql and just trying your percona plugin and have the same issue. Any updates on resolving this issue? Thanks
Edit: I've created a PR regarding this
I have this simple class:
The package is installed without issues, but the creation of the DB fails with the following error:
I have the full error with debug enabled here:
Let me know if you need any more data. Thanks