0.0.12 2020-06-01 AM: Corrected wheel diameter value. Moved min/max PWM data to new metadata structure. Removed all the portENTER_CRITICAL_ISR commands and associated portMUX_TYPE variabes as these are only used to protect FREERTOS threads which we do not use at the moment. We can use nointerrupt() and interrupt() instead if needed. Also added stepMotor call back in. At this point no tuning has been done but all the bits needed to balance are here.
0.0.11 2020-05-31 AM: moved calcBalanceParmeters(ypr[2]) to loop() from readIMU(). Also added checkTiltToActivateMotors() to loop() so robot now enables and disables motors based on the tilt of the robot
0.0.10 2020-05-31 AM: Added portENTER_CRITICAL(&balanceMUX) and portEXIT_CRITICAL(&balanceMUX) to calcBalanceParameters. Added proper header and print labels to processWifiEvent().
0.0.9 2020-05-31 AM: Added messaging structure. Removed distance and odometer from motor structure. Changed metadata messaging to use new message structure. Replaced formatBalanceData() with calcBalanceParmeters(). Removed MQTT control of motors. Replaced local variables in calcBalanceParameters() with robotBalance structure.
0.0.8 2020-05-29 AM: Fixed up code to do quick and dirty balancing
0.0.7 2020-05-29 AM: Updated the IMU calibration data for Andrew's robot and added a call to setbalanceDistance() from readIMU() that does not seem to work.
The following is contained in this pull request: