I think the error occures when the following line of code is executed client side:
get children() {
return this.draw.children();
This only happens when the dialog is supposed to directly show the svg. I created another dialog that works fine, where a user needs to make a selection first and only after that the Svg is added (when the dialog is already open and displayed on the client side).
Hello, I hope this is the right place to report an issue I encountered.
What's happening? A TypeError is thrown when trying to open a VaadinDialog that contains a Svg. The Dialog is not displayed due to this.
How to reproduce? Create a class extending Dialog and create and add a Svg Element to this. I created a minimal example from the Vaadin Gitpod Starter: https://gitpod.io#snapshot/52dc9674-0f2e-4445-85d2-89e8d4b49d7c
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