vaadin-component-factory / vcf-pdf-viewer-flow

Vaadin Addon for providing pdf viewing functionality
Apache License 2.0
8 stars 6 forks source link

Re: No Visual display #9

Open weiliang2 opened 2 years ago

weiliang2 commented 2 years ago


can you help me? this is a great component but i cant seem to see anything after setting the pdf.

attached is the pdf.

the main app layout has already set to full size content.

@Route(value = PAGE_ROOT, layout = MainAppLayout.class) public class DashboardView extends Div implements HasDynamicTitle, BeforeEnterObserver, BeforeLeaveObserver {

public DashboardView() {
    PdfViewer pdfViewer = new PdfViewer();
    StreamResource resource = new StreamResource("example.pdf", () -> getClass().getResourceAsStream("/pdf/example.pdf"));

    getElement().getStyle().set("height", "100%");
    getElement().getStyle().set("overflow", "hidden");
    getElement().getStyle().set("display", "flex");
    getElement().getStyle().set("flex-direction", "column");          

2 1

paodb commented 2 years ago

Hello, I did some testing with the code you shared and for me the pdf is displaying okay. You could either use

getElement().getStyle().set("height", "100%");
getElement().getStyle().set("overflow", "hidden");
getElement().getStyle().set("display", "flex");
getElement().getStyle().set("flex-direction", "column");

or just add java this.setSizeFull(); to the view (div).

If the problems persists, can you modify the attachment to reproduce your issue?


weiliang2 commented 2 years ago


I have added a simplified project in this link.

Download link


Managed to get a screen capture to this.


ghost commented 2 years ago

Good Morning,

I had the same problem with Vaadin 22.0.4. My initialize code for the pdf viewer is:

File pdfFile = new File(completePdfFilePath);

PdfViewer pdfViewer = new PdfViewer();
StreamResource resource = new StreamResource(documentName, () -> {
    try {
        return new FileInputStream(pdfFile);
    } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
        logger.error("Failed to load the pdf document: " + e.getLocalizedMessage());
    return null;


completePdfFile -> Has the correct path to the pdf file in the file system. It is a absolute path. documentViewPage -> Is a vaadin div container on a vertical layout in a tab

Edit: Add some screenshots. I had the problem if the pdf file outside the jar and under src/main/resources

Bildschirmfoto 2022-02-15 um 09 38 03 Bildschirmfoto 2022-02-15 um 09 38 21

paodb commented 2 years ago

Hello @weiliang2. I was able to isaolate the issue after a lot of testing in the project you shared. The problem is that pdf-viewer is conflicting with another dependency: qr-scanner because of extended Array.prototype (as you can see in your console log message). If I remove that dependency, the pdf displays correctly.

Pdf.js library (base library for pdf-viewer component) already provides a check for environments where the Array.prototype has been incorrectly extended (see It seems that the qr-scanner base library (I believe is @granite-elements/granite-qrcode-scanner/granite-qrcode-scanner.js) incorrectly extends Array.prototype. As I'm not familiar with this component so I cannot tell for sure how it can be fixed.

(See another example where pdf.js doesn't work correctly because of another library

paodb commented 2 years ago

Hello @RWarnecke "Invalid PDF structure" is a different error. That error is shown when the library can't interpret the content of a PDF file. This should be handled in a separate issue. Is it possible for you to create a new issue and share a project reproducing the problem? Thanks.

weiliang2 commented 2 years ago

Hello @paodb,

really appreciate the time you spend to investigate on this. I have verified its working by removing the problem dependency. Its is working now.

This component is super handy and is so important in every application. Everything we do involves a pdf. I strongly recommend this component should be a basic component.

Just 1 more thing. It would be really nice if the other buttons are also implemented.


Thanks once again.

zlesak commented 1 year ago

Hello, I have a similar problem, that the component is not showing anything else but the download button, which works correctly. image StreamResource src = new StreamResource("example.pdf", () -> getClass().getResourceAsStream("/154.pdf")); PdfViewer pdfViewer = new PdfViewer(); pdfViewer.setSrc(src); pdfViewer.setVisible(true); pdfViewer.openThumbnailsView(); ts.get().add(mainInfoTab,pdfViewer); But when I try to add for example pdfViewer.openThumbnailsView(); the result is an error: image image

I tried to look in the generated FlowClient.js to see where the error on line 207 may be but: image I have also tried to remove some Maven dependencies, as you mentioned the qr-scanner, I have barcode4j, but no result with that. My other dependencies: image There is no other error or warning in browser console either in Idea console. Can the problem be with the pdf.js lib? I did not imported it, am I supposed to somehow import it on my own, or does it import the pdf viewer? Thank you very much for your time with helping with my problem.

paodb commented 1 year ago

Hello @zlesak, are you still having problems? if so, which Vaadin version & which version of the component are you using? You don't need to import the pdf.js library, just add the dependency for the add-on in your pom.xml. Keep in mind that the layout containing the pdfViewer might need to have full height in order to display correctly. If the error persists please create a sample project so we can take a better look and maybe it would be better to create a separate issue.

weiliang2 commented 9 months ago


sorry i have a new issue. Screenshot 1: unable to find resource


Screenshot 2 unable to find resource.


Screenshot 3: URL was wrong.


is there any advise you can give me?

1) i was routing from another page to this, if i use a direct access to the url i dont have a issue. The report display correctly. withEventHandler("report", item -> UI.getCurrent().navigate(QuoteReportResultQueryView.class, parameter(item))));

Findings: based on my testing there are no issue with routing. But with a OptionalParameter. the url seems broken.

@Override public void setParameter(BeforeEvent event, @OptionalParameter String parameter) { if (parameter != null) { System.out.print("URL Parameter: " + parameter); if(StringUtils.containsIgnoreCase(parameter, "QuoteQtyID")){ String quoteQtyID = StringUtils.replaceIgnoreCase(parameter, "QuoteQtyID", ""); quotQtyIDFilter.setValue(quoteQtyID); } } }

paodb commented 9 months ago

Hello @weiliang2 can you share what vaadin version and what version of the pdf viewer component are you using?

weiliang2 commented 9 months ago


i am using vaadin 14.10.4. JDK version 8. pdf viewer component 1.0.2.