vaadin / base-starter-gradle

Servlet based Vaadin example project using Gradle build
Apache License 2.0
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Confusing build statements #10

Open martinandersson opened 3 years ago

martinandersson commented 3 years ago

In the README, it is said that command ./gradlew -Pvaadin.productionMode "will build this app in production mode as a WAR archive". In the subsequent section, approximately the same thing ("To build your app for production") is stated about a different command ./gradlew clean build -Pvaadin.productionMode.

This needs to be clarified.

Ideally, we should also explain why we're adding the "clean" hack in the last command. Smells like the Vaadin Gradle plugin or a dependent feature of the build system isn't working properly, hence the "clean".

caalador commented 3 years ago

Actually if you look at the default in build.gradle you can see that it is defined as defaultTasks("clean", "build") so running ./gradlew is the same as running ./gradlew clean build This should probably be mentioned and the same format used for each case.

martinandersson commented 3 years ago

lol so much magic everywhere. Don't you get tired of it yourself?

Also, thank you for your answer, of course! =) Still, curious to know why the clean-hack.

caalador commented 3 years ago

For a production build using clean build is to get no development mode files in by mistake, but else it should be fine to not have clean. I feel we should probably drop clean from the default tasks as it shouldn't be needed for each and every execution and was left there by mistake from the unofficial version.