vaadin / board

Framework 8 version of vaadin-board
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PDF/Print Request #103

Open reggiepierce opened 7 years ago

reggiepierce commented 7 years ago

It would be great to use the board functionality to create reports that could be exported to PDF, or printed.

Is this currently possible? Are stylings and links preserved during say a PDF print in chrome?

Peppe commented 7 years ago

Thank you for sharing your thoughts @reggiepierce! I'm looking into if this is something that we could add to the product. I'd love to hear more on how you think it should work. We will of course design it ourselves if we go ahead and add it, but it is important to me to know beforehand what is important to you.

I tested printing with the normal browser print feature on the Board demo, and there are two main problems that pops up. 1) Some of the content is cut off and not visible on the paper. This is bad for printing and should be fixed if we support printing as such. Screenshot of print at the bottom of this comment. 2) There's stuff in the print that is not part of the Board itself, like the menu of the app. You can of course configure with css that these parts should be printed, but that would be up to the developer and not the product. There could be something dedicated for this in the product as well.

What kind of features do you expect there to be? Would you like to be able to do a dedicated "print" button that only prints the Board? Should it be of some certain size? Would you expect that some modifications would be done going from screen to print?

Thanks again for sharing!

Screenshot of printed Board demo