vaadin / copilot

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What is Vaadin Copilot, why is it inside vaadin-core/dev since 24.3 - not mentioned in any changelog - and why is it loading DLLs for telemetry despite having telemetry disabled? #7

Closed AB-xdev closed 6 months ago

AB-xdev commented 6 months ago

Description of the bug

Update to Vaadin 24.3+

Start the application

After server startup the following is reported:

2024-01-12T12:31:43.775+01:00 DEBUG 18488 --- [io-8080-exec-10]    : Found proKey in C:\Users\xxx\.vaadin\proKey
2024-01-12T12:31:43.838+01:00 DEBUG 18488 --- [io-8080-exec-10] com.sun.jna.Native                       : Looking in classpath from jdk.internal.loader.ClassLoaders$AppClassLoader@4617c264 for /com/sun/jna/win32-x86-64/jnidispatch.dll
2024-01-12T12:31:43.838+01:00 DEBUG 18488 --- [io-8080-exec-10] com.sun.jna.Native                       : Found library resource at jar:file:/C:/Users/xxx/.m2/repository/net/java/dev/jna/jna/5.13.0/jna-5.13.0.jar!/com/sun/jna/win32-x86-64/jnidispatch.dll
2024-01-12T12:31:43.839+01:00 DEBUG 18488 --- [io-8080-exec-10] com.sun.jna.Native                       : Extracting library to C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\Temp\jna-1432765156\jna14499820768289914182.dll
2024-01-12T12:31:43.845+01:00 DEBUG 18488 --- [io-8080-exec-10] com.sun.jna.Native                       : Trying C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\Temp\jna-1432765156\jna14499820768289914182.dll
2024-01-12T12:31:43.848+01:00 DEBUG 18488 --- [io-8080-exec-10] com.sun.jna.Native                       : Found jnidispatch at C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\Temp\jna-1432765156\jna14499820768289914182.dll
2024-01-12T12:31:43.862+01:00 DEBUG 18488 --- [nio-8080-exec-7] c.v.f.server.communication.PushHandler   : New push connection for resource b65d354d-5b38-472e-9259-3eac3c0e179a with transport WEBSOCKET
2024-01-12T12:40:17.029+01:00 DEBUG 18488 --- [io-8080-exec-10] com.sun.jna.NativeLibrary                : Looking for library 'Ole32'
2024-01-12T12:40:17.030+01:00 DEBUG 18488 --- [io-8080-exec-10] com.sun.jna.NativeLibrary                : Adding paths from jna.library.path: null
2024-01-12T12:40:17.030+01:00 DEBUG 18488 --- [io-8080-exec-10] com.sun.jna.NativeLibrary                : Trying Ole32.dll
2024-01-12T12:40:17.030+01:00 DEBUG 18488 --- [io-8080-exec-10] com.sun.jna.NativeLibrary                : Found library 'Ole32' at Ole32.dll
2024-01-12T12:40:18.110+01:00 DEBUG 18488 --- [io-8080-exec-10] com.sun.jna.NativeLibrary                : Looking for library 'OleAut32'
2024-01-12T12:40:18.110+01:00 DEBUG 18488 --- [io-8080-exec-10] com.sun.jna.NativeLibrary                : Adding paths from jna.library.path: null
2024-01-12T12:40:18.110+01:00 DEBUG 18488 --- [io-8080-exec-10] com.sun.jna.NativeLibrary                : Trying OleAut32.dll
2024-01-12T12:40:18.111+01:00 DEBUG 18488 --- [io-8080-exec-10] com.sun.jna.NativeLibrary                : Found library 'OleAut32' at OleAut32.dll
2024-01-12T12:40:18.988+01:00 DEBUG 18488 --- [io-8080-exec-10] com.sun.jna.NativeLibrary                : Looking for library 'kernel32'
2024-01-12T12:40:18.988+01:00 DEBUG 18488 --- [io-8080-exec-10] com.sun.jna.NativeLibrary                : Adding paths from jna.library.path: null
2024-01-12T12:40:18.988+01:00 DEBUG 18488 --- [io-8080-exec-10] com.sun.jna.NativeLibrary                : Trying kernel32.dll
2024-01-12T12:40:18.988+01:00 DEBUG 18488 --- [io-8080-exec-10] com.sun.jna.NativeLibrary                : Found library 'kernel32' at kernel32.dll
2024-01-12T12:40:19.923+01:00 DEBUG 18488 --- [io-8080-exec-10] com.sun.jna.NativeLibrary                : Looking for library 'Advapi32'
2024-01-12T12:40:19.923+01:00 DEBUG 18488 --- [io-8080-exec-10] com.sun.jna.NativeLibrary                : Adding paths from jna.library.path: null
2024-01-12T12:40:19.923+01:00 DEBUG 18488 --- [io-8080-exec-10] com.sun.jna.NativeLibrary                : Trying Advapi32.dll
2024-01-12T12:40:19.924+01:00 DEBUG 18488 --- [io-8080-exec-10] com.sun.jna.NativeLibrary                : Found library 'Advapi32' at Advapi32.dll

After reading this I instantly knew that this must be related to OSHI/JNA which is only used inside Vaadin telemetry or pro-key validation which shouldn't happen due to the applications configuration.

After a bit of debugging I found out that this is caused by vaadin-copilot? ``` com.sun.jna.NativeLibrary.getInstance( com.sun.jna.Library$Handler.( com.sun.jna.Native.load( com.sun.jna.platform.win32.Ole32.( oshi.util.Memoizer$1.get( com.vaadin.copilot.Copilot.handleConnect( com.vaadin.base.devserver.DebugWindowConnection.handleConnect( com.vaadin.base.devserver.DebugWindowConnection.onConnect( com.vaadin.flow.server.communication.PushHandler.lambda$onConnect$3( java.base/java.util.Optional.ifPresent( com.vaadin.flow.server.communication.PushHandler.lambda$onConnect$4( ... ``` ![grafik](

That is somehow inside of vaadin-core: grafik

What is vaadin-copilot and why is it there?

I suspect that this (experimental) dependency was introduced by accident and should not be there.

Expected behavior

com.vaadin:copilot dependency is not included/shipped by default

Minimal reproducible example

Update to Vaadin 24.3+

See above


MarcinVaadin commented 6 months ago

Copilot is one of our internal projects. Of course tracking flag value needs to be respected. Fix should be delivered in next Platform release.

MarcinVaadin commented 6 months ago

Update delivered, will be present in next 24.3 Platform release.