vaadin / flow-components

Java counterpart of Vaadin Web Components
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Dialog listener should check if event is default prevented before sending it to server. #6241

Open abdullahtellioglu opened 2 months ago

abdullahtellioglu commented 2 months ago


I added vaadin-overlay-outside-click event listener to prevent the dialog from being closed in Copilot. However, event.preventDefault() does not work because it is not checked in

 private void registerClientCloseHandler() {
        getElement().executeJs("const listener = (e) => {"
                + "  if (e.type == 'vaadin-overlay-escape-press' && !this.noCloseOnEsc ||"
                + "      e.type == 'vaadin-overlay-outside-click' && !this.noCloseOnOutsideClick) {"
                + "    e.preventDefault();"
                + "    this.$server.handleClientClose();"
                + "  }"
                + "};"
                + "this.$.overlay.addEventListener('vaadin-overlay-outside-click', listener);"
                + "this.$.overlay.addEventListener('vaadin-overlay-escape-press', listener);");

Expected outcome

Event should not be sent to the server if it is defaultPrevented. Adding e.defaultPrevented condition to listener would solve the issue

Minimal reproducible example

// view

        Dialog dialog = new Dialog("Dialog ");

        TextField textField = new TextField("Hello");

        Button closeBtn = new Button("Hide dialog");

//in client

document.documentElement.addEventListener('vaadin-overlay-outside-click', (e: Event) => {e.preventDefault();} , {
      capture: true,

Steps to reproduce


Vaadin version(s): 24.4.0.alpha23 OS:


Issue is not browser related

vursen commented 2 months ago

Would stopImmediatePropagation() work for you as a workaround?

abdullahtellioglu commented 2 months ago

It works, thanks

vursen commented 2 months ago

It's a bit unclear what value the proposed check would provide for Flow users, since they are generally expected to control whether the dialog should close from the server-side. If so, I'm concerned that the only purpose of this check would be to accommodate a specific Copilot scenario.

I'm now thinking that using stopImmediatePropagation() in the capture phase might actually be an appropriate solution here, as it ensures that no vaadin-overlay-outside-click listeners are be executed at all. This approach would also work for grid-pro which exits edit mode on vaadin-overlay-outside-click and does not check for preventDefault():