vaadin / flow-components

Java counterpart of Vaadin Web Components
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treeGrid.getDataProvider().refreshAll() annoyingly scrolls to the start. See video. #6307

Open enver-haase opened 4 months ago

enver-haase commented 4 months ago

Description of the bug

When I re-validate the tree, I expect this to be a no-op if there is nothing to do. Certainly it should not scroll. This is bad UX.

Expected behavior

Re-validating a validated tree should be a no-op. In any case, when I drop an item using drag-and-drop, the tree should not jump away from underneath the mouse pointer.

Minimal reproducible example

package org.vaadin.example;

import com.vaadin.flow.component.Unit;
import com.vaadin.flow.component.button.Button;
import com.vaadin.flow.component.grid.Grid;
import com.vaadin.flow.component.grid.dnd.GridDropLocation;
import com.vaadin.flow.component.grid.dnd.GridDropMode;
import com.vaadin.flow.component.notification.Notification;
import com.vaadin.flow.component.textfield.TextArea;
import com.vaadin.flow.component.treegrid.TreeGrid;

import com.vaadin.flow.component.orderedlayout.VerticalLayout;
import com.vaadin.flow.router.Route;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class MainView extends VerticalLayout {

    private static class DemoTreeData extends TreeData<String> {
        private DemoTreeData() {
            final String[] five = {"A", "B", "C", "D", "E"};


            for (String s : five) {
                List<String> children = new ArrayList<>();
                for (String ch : five) {
                    String child = s+ch;

                addItems(s, children);
    public MainView() {

        TextArea textArea = new TextArea("History");

        TreeGrid<String> treeGrid = new TreeGrid<>();


        treeGrid.setTreeData(new DemoTreeData());


        List<String> dragged = new ArrayList<>();
        treeGrid.addDragStartListener( evt -> {
        } );

        treeGrid.addDropListener( evt -> {
            try {
                if (GridDropLocation.ON_TOP == evt.getDropLocation()) {
                    evt.getDropTargetItem().ifPresent(dropTarget -> {
                        for (String drag : dragged) {
                            if (drag.equals(dropTarget)) {
                                throw new IllegalStateException("Ignored dropping to itself.");
                            if (isAncestor(treeGrid.getTreeData(), dropTarget, drag)) {
                                throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot make an ancestor a child of its descendant.");
                            treeGrid.getTreeData().setParent(drag, dropTarget);
                            textArea.setValue(textArea.getValue()+drag+" -> "+dropTarget+"\n");
            catch (Exception e) {
      "Exception: "+e);
        } );

        Button button = new Button("Revalidate!", e -> treeGrid.getDataProvider().refreshAll());

        treeGrid.setHeight(500, Unit.PIXELS);
        add(treeGrid, textArea, button);

     * Tests whether a potential ancestor (a parent or grandparent or grandgrand...parent) of a given node.
     * @param treeData The tree data structure
     * @param node the node
     * @param potentialAncestor the potential ancestor
     * @return true if and only of potentialAncestor is a genealogical predecessor of node
     * */
    private static <T> boolean isAncestor(TreeData<T> treeData, T node, T potentialAncestor) {
        if (potentialAncestor == null) {
            return true; // null is the parent of the 'root nodes'.
        T parent = node;
        while ((parent = treeData.getParent(parent)) != null){
            if (potentialAncestor.equals(parent)) {
                return true;
        return false;



enver-haase commented 4 months ago

TatuLund commented 4 months ago

Looks like duplicate of:

TatuLund commented 4 months ago

With the following change issue goes away

Replace Button code with:

        Button button = new Button("Revalidate!",
                e -> refreshChildItems(treeGrid, treeData.getRootItems()));

And add recursive refreshItem method

    private void refreshChildItems(TreeGrid<String> grid,
            List<String> rootItems) {
        for (String item : rootItems) {
            grid.getDataProvider().refreshItem(item, false);
            refreshChildItems(grid, grid.getTreeData().getChildren(item));

See also:

rolfsmeds commented 4 months ago

Javadocs for TreeGrid refreshAll should mention the limitation and propose using refreshItem instead.

enver-haase commented 4 months ago

If I move one root item under another one, so that



> B (with A underneath)

then I cannot refresh the underlying DataProvider in such a way that A disappears from the view, using only refreshItem().

stefanuebe commented 4 months ago

Minor side note to the workaround of Tatu. It works indeed, but it is also significant slower. We have a case, where the refresh time goes from ~5s to around 35s (a tree grid with roughly 44k rows and all expanded initially).

So not suitable for all situations.