vaadin / flow-components

Java counterpart of Vaadin Web Components
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Vcf-date-range-picker 5.0.0 doesn't work with Vaadin 24.4.1 #6376

Closed EasyMeow closed 1 week ago

EasyMeow commented 1 week ago


Hello! We are upgrading our project to Vaadin 24.4.1 and found that vcf-date-range-picker (5.0.0) does't work with it. image

Expected outcome

Dropdown with calendar is open after clicking on EnhancedDateRangePicker and there is no any errors in console. image

Minimal reproducible example

@Route(value = "about")
@RouteAlias(value = "")
public class AboutView extends VerticalLayout {

    public AboutView() {
        EnhancedDateRangePicker dateRangePicker = new EnhancedDateRangePicker("Picker");


Steps to reproduce

  1. Run the project
  2. Click on EnhancedDateRangePicker


Vaadin version(s): 24.4.1 Java version: 17 vcf-date-range-picker: 5.0.0


No response

sissbruecker commented 1 week ago

Vcf-date-range-picker is an addon that isn't maintained in this repository. Please file your issue in the repo for the addon itself: