vaadin / flow

Vaadin Flow is a Java framework binding Vaadin web components to Java. This is part of Vaadin 10+.
Apache License 2.0
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SideMenu is visible for one view, hidden for another one #19611

Open abdullahtellioglu opened 1 week ago

abdullahtellioglu commented 1 week ago

Description of the bug

I downloaded a sample project from start with 2 views. On first view, side menu is visible, clickable, and normal. However, menu does not get rendered on the second view.

Expected behavior

SideMenu should be visible in both views.

Minimal reproducible example

Downloaded example project from the start: my-app (44).zip


caalador commented 2 days ago

This would seem to be the same issue that was fixed in when you have an empty @layout.tsx the route root doesn't match correctly. 2572 is not yet merged into main branch, but should be soon.