vaadin / flow

Vaadin Flow is a Java framework binding Vaadin web components to Java. This is part of Vaadin 10+.
Apache License 2.0
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Resychronization issue with Vaadin 23.3.7 #19621

Open lakshmy-ramaswamy opened 5 days ago

lakshmy-ramaswamy commented 5 days ago

Description of the bug

"Resynchronizing UI by client's request. A network message was lost before reaching the client and the client is reloading the full UI state. This typically happens because of a bad network connection with packet loss or because of some part of the network infrastructure (load balancer, proxy) terminating a push (websocket or long-polling) connection. If you are using push with a proxy, make sure the push timeout is set to be smaller than the proxy connection timeout" This issue is happening again with vaadin 23.3.7.

When we launch the application, it wait for the response and shows "connection lost trying to connect" by the time it comes online page is displayed blank. from the logs we could find the above message and by inspecting the page in network tab we could see the error "504 gateway timeout" and in the response we could see as "upstream request timeout"

we use default Push configuration and deployed in AWS where it uses envoy-proxy. can someone help ?

Expected behavior

Application should load without any issues. No gateway or upstream error

Minimal reproducible example

It is happening only in production environment


lakshmy-ramaswamy commented 3 days ago

can someone help on this?