vaadin / flow

Vaadin Flow is a Java framework binding Vaadin web components to Java. This is part of Vaadin 10+.
Apache License 2.0
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File was not included when creating the production bundle #19633

Open avdhootu27 opened 3 days ago

avdhootu27 commented 3 days ago

Description of the bug

This bug I am getting since I updated my project to vaadin 24. The full error is:

ERROR c.v.f.component.internal.UIInternals - The component class com.vaadin.flow.component.textfield.TextArea includes '@vaadin/text-area/src/vaadin-text-area.js' but this file was not included when creating the production bundle. The component will not work properly. Check that you have a reference to the component and that you are not using it only through reflection. If needed add a @Uses(TextArea.class) where it is used.\n

I tried using Uses annotation, JsModule annotation but nothing worked. I haven't extended TextArea for any component, I am using it inside a component.

Expected behavior

Should not get this error.

Minimal reproducible example

I don't know what to share because I don't get this error/log when I run it locally, I get this when it is running on an amazon linux machine
