vaadin / framework

Vaadin 6, 7, 8 is a Java framework for modern Java web applications.
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chore: avoid repackaging of google elemental dep and use it directly #12416

Closed denis-anisimov closed 2 years ago

denis-anisimov commented 2 years ago

The google elemental dependency is not OSGi compatible so it's repackaged into shared module to use it directly from there. But there is a custom Vaadin version of google elemental dep and it's OSGi compatible. Flow uses this version and to be able to use FW in MPR the versions should match. So the Vaadin google elemental dep is added instead of repackaging.

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CLAassistant commented 2 years ago

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rkovarik commented 2 years ago

This change is not visible from We used to have gwt-elemental as provided dependency so it was not brought into webapps, causing ClassNotFoundExceptions after upgrade.