vaadin / full-stack-starter

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Don’t expire sessions from inactivity #5

Open Peppe opened 6 years ago

Peppe commented 6 years ago

In Flow, the default is to expire a session after 30 min of inactivity. This produces ugly session expired messages that serve very slim value to the end user. The most impactful effect of the message is that Vaadin is and old obsolete tech.

Bonus points if you can get rid of the message altogether, for example by never showing it and doing a refresh when user tries to interact.

johannesh2 commented 6 years ago

Thank you for the report. I agree that the default message is not good UX. Although, I think that production apps should not keep sessions too long to keep the memory impact balanced. A good approach might be that the session is expired, but it's re-initialized somehow automatically without showing that ugly message.

manolo commented 6 years ago

I guess flow does not reload because the user might want to know what he was doing, and take note of that. In bakery is safe to reload and bring the user to the login page, unless the user is editing something. Flow might have a configuration parameter to do something when session expires, for bakery is much more difficult to figure out that. Increasing the timeout is not a good option in our case because we reload the app to reset the ddbb after a while, and the user will see the message. Another option is that flow let to configure messages or customise error cards.

I think the solution needs more thinking and discussion, and should be provided by flow anyways.