vaadin / observability-kit

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Add default implementation for ObservabilityClient configuration #196

Closed mcollovati closed 1 year ago

mcollovati commented 1 year ago

Add a default implementation for ObservabilityClientConfigurer to be used when there is no custom one is provided. The default implementation should read settings from Vaadin application configuration (ApplicationConfiguration? , DeploymentConfiguration?), to provide an out-of-the box "static" way to tune front-end configurability without writing code.

Configuration keys may be prefixed by vaadin.observability.

mcollovati commented 1 year ago

If we use Vaadin built-in mechanism for configuration, we also need to add all configurable properties to the InitParameters class, otherwise for Spring project they will not be transferred from to ApplicationConfiguration.

Does it make sense instead to read the setting from the agent configuration (provided as or environment variables) as it is already done for otel.instrumentation.vaadin.trace-level (related to #62) in #71?

EDIT: To be noted that #165 reads the agent configuration to enhance frontend traces. Settings for this change can be read in the same way