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[BUG] addFavicon() does not work as documented. Nor does the coded favicon work in the business app starter #2249

Closed fschon closed 2 years ago

fschon commented 2 years ago

Describe the bug In the business app starter, there is a favicon configured in the code. This favicon a) has an incorrect resource url and b) displays the default white circle/blue background favicon and not the F icon configured. Even when the url error is corrected the proper favicon does not show.

I have based my app on the exmaple business app and cannot get a favicon to display properly. I have fiddled with many different code variations without success - the PWA icon appears on first login, but when refreshing the browser reverts to default. So I went back to the original business app example code and found that this also does not work.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to the business app demo link at
  2. Notice the browsers favicon is the browsers default.

Expected behavior code: @Override public void configurePage(InitialPageSettings settings) { settings.addMetaTag("apple-mobile-web-app-capable", "yes"); settings.addMetaTag("apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style", "black");

    settings.addFavIcon("icon", "frontend/images/favicons/favicon.ico",

Firstly the resource url "frontend/images/favicons/favicon.ico" does not exist! And when corrected to "images/favicons/favicon.ico" the favicon at does nort show.

My specific code: initialPageSettings.addFavIcon("icon", "icons/calogo192.png", "192x192"); initialPageSettings.addLink("shortcut icon", "icons/favicon.ico"); I am using JEE war build with the icon in META-INF/resources/icon/calogo192.png

Desktop (please complete the following information):

Additional context I have tried the various solutions in the forums and none work. I also note that several others have been facing the same issue, also without resolution.

vaadin-bot commented 2 years ago

Thanks for using Vaadin Platform, we appreciate your help and are going to take care of this as soon as possible.

manolo commented 2 years ago

I'll send a change so as the downloaded app is correctly configured

manolo commented 2 years ago

So we changed business-app so as it does not use favicons. We want to demonstrate a PWA app, hence the way to set icons must be with this mechanism.

manolo commented 2 years ago

As summary of the resolution of this issue:

Documentation about resources paths: Documentation about custom icons:

fschon commented 2 years ago

Hi Manolo,

Thanks for clarifying. So as I understand it the PWA notation and the addFavicon() are mutually exclusive and cannot be used at the same time?

I am using the PWA notation and my home page gets the proper favicon set so I assume that the PWA notation favicon is being used and not the addFavicon function call. However there is still a problem with this that I cannot test on the current online demo version of the business app because there the default white circle blue background icon is used. When I browse to a different route than the default route and refresh the browser the favicon is replaced by the browser default icon. This is also the case if I enter the application via a non-default route.

Thanks for checking.

manolo commented 2 years ago

Yes, PWA has preference over favicon. Use favicon if you don't want your app be a PWA. Online demo has not been yet deployed to the demo server, if you want to test with business app, download it from unzip it and run mvn. The .zip file has already the fixes to the PWA annotation and removed favicon. Regarding routing, by using PWA, icons should be the same in all the vaadin app, not sure about favicon though