vaadin / platform

Vaadin platform 10+ is a Java web development platform based on Vaadin web components. If you don't know to which repository your bug report should be filed, use this and we'll move it to the right one.
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Vaadin uses old version of JSOUP which is binary incompatible with newer versions #3187

Closed benstpierre closed 1 year ago

benstpierre commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug

It appears that as of 23.1.6 Vaadin uses JSOUP 1.14.3. In JSOUP 1.15.3 There was a breaking change where Whitelist was replaced with Safelist as the term "Whitelist" is considered racist.

We cannot use the new version of JSOUP because vaadin depends on the old version and uses the Whitelist class.

This should be a pretty small fix for Vaadin.


No response


Try to uses JSOUP 1.15.1 in a Vaadin 23 app and it will break.

System Info

Happens on all systems.

vaadin-bot commented 1 year ago

Thanks for using Vaadin! We appreciate your help and we’ll take care of this as soon as possible.

knoobie commented 1 year ago

The new jsoup version can be used with 23.2 by default. In 23.1 you have to do some more work to get it to work without breaking stuff.

ZheSun88 commented 1 year ago

we are working on a fix to make the new jsoup version working with V23.1 and older vaadin versions

nittka commented 1 year ago

Timely fixes for Vaadin 8 and Vaadin 14 would be quite important as well. Do I understand correctly, that you may not update the dependency directly, but will make sure that your code will be compatible with 1.15.X, so that we can package an updated version safely?

knoobie commented 1 year ago

Vaadin (flow) releases 14-23.2 with a fix including the transitive dependency are already on the way. An update for v8 (8.17) as extended maintenance release is prepared by Tatu as well.

ZheSun88 commented 1 year ago

All affected Vaadin versions, 23.2.0, 23.1.9, 23.0.16, 22.0.22, 14.8.17, 10.0.21, 8.17.0 and 7.7.34 have been released with the Jsoup version updates.