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Warning Notification theme variant #4073

Closed rolfsmeds closed 11 months ago

rolfsmeds commented 1 year ago


Lumo style variant for warning notifications (that is distinct from the error variant)

Use cases

As a user I want to be able to visually distinguish warning notifications from other notifications So that I can take the appropriate action


Acceptance criteria

General criteria


jouni commented 1 year ago

Do we really need the border? How would it look like without it?

rolfsmeds commented 1 year ago

Would look nicer without it, but then it fails WCAG 2.1 AA non-text contrast requirements, and although technically, like buttons, the notification card doesn't have to pass contrast requirements as long as the content inside it does, I feel that it probably should, so that it stands out sufficiently against the background.

(The light gray default variant would need to be correspondingly adjusted)

jouni commented 1 year ago

To me, it seems like a similar thing as borders for text inputs and buttons, and could be opt-in if you really want to increase the contrast more, not necessarily the default.

rolfsmeds commented 1 year ago

Well, the default notification style already has a border, albeit one of insufficient contrast


We could omit the border, but it actually looks a bit "naked" to me without one


Or we could apply a lighter border


but that would require either a custom color for this notification variant, or another color in the new warning colors

jouni commented 1 year ago

Just comparing to the other colored variants, and keeping it aligned with them. The yellow is lighter, so yeah, perhaps it could have a light border. But the one in the OP is too stark IMO.

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