vaadin / platform

Vaadin platform 10+ is a Java web development platform based on Vaadin web components. If you don't know to which repository your bug report should be filed, use this and we'll move it to the right one.
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Vaadin Charts #5257

Open cehorn opened 3 weeks ago

cehorn commented 3 weeks ago

Describe the bug



I attend the University of Arkansas and use IntelliJ for a computing course. I have the student developer package, and to my understanding have access to Vaadin Pro utilities. When running my Vaadin, I have a button that is supposed to display a chart but displays this: Screenshot 2024-04-21 205551 I've done troubleshooting, clear cache, log in and out, and it does not seem to recognize my account to see the chart. Does the student developer package not allow to see charts? Or is there an issue with syncing the accounts?



System Info

I am using a Dell Inspiron 14, running IntelliJ under a Vaadin Template and running the code, with pop up page in Google.

ZheSun88 commented 3 weeks ago

Hi @cehorn , can you tell us which vaadin version are you using?(you can find it in your pom.xml)

ZheSun88 commented 3 weeks ago

Hi again @cehorn, we have had one fix just got deployed. Can you retry your project and let us know?

cehorn commented 3 weeks ago

It stills says "no license found" and I can't access the chart.

ZheSun88 commented 3 weeks ago

Hi @cehorn , a new fix regarding this issue has been applied, may i ask you to test again? thanks