vaadin / platform

Vaadin platform 10+ is a Java web development platform based on Vaadin web components. If you don't know to which repository your bug report should be filed, use this and we'll move it to the right one.
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feat: Create vaadin-dev-flow and vaadin-dev-hilla #5264

Closed caalador closed 1 week ago

caalador commented 3 weeks ago

vaadin-dev no has vaadin-dev-flow and vaadin-dev-hilla. vaadin-core depends on vaadin-dev-flow to not get hilla if not wanted.

This will make vaadin and vaadin-core backwards compatible with older version where hilla was not a dependency.

Implements part of #5230

Fixes #5260

github-actions[bot] commented 3 weeks ago

Dependencies Report

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mshabarov commented 2 weeks ago

An alternative solution is proposed here This PR may become a refactoring PR that doesn't move hilla-dev, but just splits vaadin-dev into two artifacts.

mshabarov commented 1 week ago

This refactoring was proposed to start when we are ready for bigger changes or we have a request from users earlier with a good reason to split to vaadin-dev-flow and vaadin-dev-hilla.