vaadin / platform

Vaadin platform 10+ is a Java web development platform based on Vaadin web components. If you don't know to which repository your bug report should be filed, use this and we'll move it to the right one.
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MAU stats collection doesn't fully work for 24.4 new parameters #6488

Closed mshabarov closed 7 hours ago

mshabarov commented 2 weeks ago

Describe the bug

Some of the parameters described here are not added into ~/vaadin/usage-statistics.json, some of them even aren't added into registration array in the browser:


Apparently the stats collection for usage-statistics.json happens before the parameters are pushed into registration array.


All parameters stats are recorded into usage-statistics.json.


Any Vaadin 24.4 project with FS router, React in Flow, Flow in React.

System Info

Vaadin 24.4.0.rc1

mshabarov commented 2 weeks ago

Re-tested with 24.4.0.rc2 and here is the results:

Screenshot 2024-06-18 at 11 29 20

exported-wc, createMenuItems and has-lit are not reported to server at all, i.e. not seen in the QuickSight.

Last 4 parameters in the list are not reported in "usage-statistics.json" at all, flow-router is reported with snapshot version for some reason.

Other observation is that parameters like has-flow-route, which are recorded after navigation trigger, may not recorded immediately, but after next page reload, e.g. after live-reload or logout/login.

mshabarov commented 7 hours ago

UPD: re-checked again the stats on the server and looks like all the new parameters stats reach the stats server normally.

We will monitor the stats and re-open this ticket or create a new one, if any anomaly is detected.