vaadin / quarkus

An extension to Quarkus to support Vaadin Flow
Apache License 2.0
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Implement custom CDI scopes for Quarkus #13

Closed caalador closed 2 years ago

caalador commented 3 years ago

Implement custom CDI scopes for Quarkus.

Implemented scopes should contain at least:

Custom Scopes need to be registered in the VaadinQuarkusProcessor in @BuildSteps

denis-anisimov commented 2 years ago

Only normal scopes are currently supported by Quarkus, I made a ticket about pseudo scopes : It's fixed but I don't know at which point we will be able to use it in some quarkus release. Once quarkus with fix is released the pseudo scopes can be implemented on top of normal scopes (the impl can be done using quite simple wrapper but the tests need to be ported from CDI , the tests for normal scope will work only for beans and not for Vaadin components).

denis-anisimov commented 2 years ago PR add only normal scopes. Pseudo-scopes don't work in quarkus at the moment. I will make another ticket to add pseudo-scopes once they are supported by existing Quarkus release.