vaadin / quarkus

An extension to Quarkus to support Vaadin Flow
Apache License 2.0
28 stars 3 forks source link

Include source control link in extension metadata (most likely by putting it somewhere else so the tooling can see it) #162

Open holly-cummins opened 2 weeks ago

holly-cummins commented 2 weeks ago

Most extensions on have enriched information (icon, issue counts, etc) which we pull from GitHub. The starting point is SCM coordinates in the extension metadata file. That information gets into the file by a few mechanisms: if the extension is built on GitHub using the extension is built using GitHub Actions we pull the information from environment variables, or else we can also read it from the pom.xml. It would be great if the Vaadin extension also has this information available.

I haven't done a PR since I'm not sure which mechanism you'd prefer:

  1. Set the environment variable GITHUB_REPOSITORY to vaadin\quarkus in the build

  2. Add this to thepom.xmls (definitely runtime pom, and the others wouldn't hurt):


To check it's working, you can have a peek in the generated quarkus-extension.ymlin the runtime project to make sure there's an scm field.