vaadin / router

Small and powerful client-side router for Web Components. Framework-agnostic.
Apache License 2.0
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Multiple (nested) router instances #199

Open vlukashov opened 6 years ago

vlukashov commented 6 years ago

As a developer I want to create route components that handle their own routing independently from the other parts of the app so that there is no need for any kind of central coordination more than agreeing on URL prefixes for different components.

As a component developer I want to be able to use Vaadin.Router in my route component independently from any other routing solution(s) used in the other parts of the app.

The first use case is already addressed by #28 (by having a single Vaadin.Router instance and loading child route configs dynamically, per-component). The second use case requires special support for creating multiple instances of Vaadin.Router and ensuring that they work well together.


The common DoD applies.

gitawego commented 4 years ago

It's a must have feature :)

We are building a webapp using vaadin router, and we don't want to use shadow dom because of the theming issue, but currently the nested components feature is based on slot, which makes it a dead end for us.

vlukashov commented 4 years ago

Thanks for sharing the details behind why you need this. It sounds like adding support for light DOM parent layouts would also be an acceptable solution.

Using Vaadin Router without Shadow DOM is something several other users have requested here and there. Your comment adds another voice to that.

joezappie commented 3 years ago

Any further work on this? I too am looking for this exact same thing - ability for components to define their own routes.