vaadin / router

Small and powerful client-side router for Web Components. Framework-agnostic.
Apache License 2.0
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Failed to construct 'CustomElement': The result must not have attributes #882

Open yshirsath opened 3 months ago

yshirsath commented 3 months ago

Router.js#247 throws this error when run from Cypress integration tests in our GitHub runner.


Known Facts:


const router = new Router(document.querySelector('body'));
router.setRoutes([{path: '/test', component: 'root-view'}], true);


import { LitElement, html } from "lit-element";

export class RootView extends LitElement {
  render() {
    return html`Hi`;

customElements.define("root-view", RootView);
Artur- commented 3 months ago

Sounds like you have a custom element with a constructor that sets attributes

yshirsath commented 3 months ago

Hey @Artur- , thanks for the reply. As you can see there is only one element in our project and it does not in fact have a constructor.