vaadin / sass-compiler

A Java Sass compiler implementation
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Sass compiler handles length()/nth()/join()/append() incorrectly #152

Closed vaadin-bot closed 10 years ago

vaadin-bot commented 10 years ago

Originally by @Artur-

The following scss does not compile correctly:

$list1: 10px;
$list2: 10 20;
$list3: 10,10%,abc;

.foo {
l1: length($list1);
l2: length($list2);
l3: length($list3);

n10: nth($list2, 1);
n20: nth($list2, 2);
nabc: nth($list3,3);
nn: nth((a b,c),2);
nn2: nth((a,b c),2);

nl1: join($list1,$list2,space);
nl2: join($list1,$list3,auto);
nl3: join($list1,$list2,auto);
nl4: join($list2,$list3, comma);
l2c: join($list2,comma,comma);

ll1: append($list3,foo);
ll2: append($list3,bar,space);
ll3: append($list3,bar,comma);
ll4: append($list3,bar,auto);
ll5: append((a b, c),bar,auto);

The expected output produced by sass-lang:

.foo {
 l1: 1;
 l2: 2;
 l3: 3;
 n10: 10;
 n20: 20;
 nabc: abc;
 nn: c;
 nn2: b c;
 nl1: 10px 10 20;
 nl2: 10px, 10, 10%, abc;
 nl3: 10px 10 20;
 nl4: 10, 20, 10, 10%, abc;
 l2c: 10, 20, comma;
 ll1: 10, 10%, abc, foo;
 ll2: 10 10% abc bar;
 ll3: 10, 10%, abc, bar;
 ll4: 10, 10%, abc, bar;
 ll5: a b, c, bar;

Ouput produced by Vaadin:

Error when parsing file 
web.scss on line 13, column 8
encountered "(". Was expecting one of: "+" "-" "." ")" "to" "through" "from" <STRING> <IDENT> <NUMBER> <URL> <VARIABLE> <PERCENTAGE> <PT> <MM> <CM> <PC> <IN> <PX> <EMS> <LEM> <REM> <EXS> <DEG> <RAD> <GRAD> <MS> <SECOND> <HZ> <KHZ> <DIMEN> <HASH> <UNICODERANGE> <FUNCTION> 

Error when parsing file 
web.scss on line 13, column 18
encountered ";
. Was expecting one of: "}
 "+" ">" "~" "[" "*" "&" "." ":" <INTERPOLATION> "@include" "@debug" "@warn" "@each" "@if" "@extend" "@content" <MICROSOFT_RULE> <IDENT> <VARIABLE> <HASH> "@import" "@media" <KEY_FRAME_SYM> 

Error when parsing file 
web.scss on line 14, column 4
encountered " ". Was expecting one of: ":" <IDENT> <FUNCTION> 

Warning when parsing file 
web.scss on line 14, column 11
Skipping: a,b c),2);

Error when parsing file 
web.scss on line 16, column 4
encountered " ". Was expecting one of: ":" <IDENT> <FUNCTION> 

Warning when parsing file 
web.scss on line 16, column 11
Skipping: $list1,$list2,space);

Error when parsing file 
web.scss on line 17, column 4
encountered " ". Was expecting one of: ":" <IDENT> <FUNCTION> 

Warning when parsing file 
web.scss on line 17, column 11
Skipping: $list1,$list3,auto);

Error when parsing file 
web.scss on line 18, column 4
encountered " ". Was expecting one of: ":" <IDENT> <FUNCTION> 

Warning when parsing file 
web.scss on line 18, column 11
Skipping: $list1,$list2,auto);

Error when parsing file 
web.scss on line 19, column 4
encountered " ". Was expecting one of: ":" <IDENT> <FUNCTION> 

Warning when parsing file 
web.scss on line 19, column 11
Skipping: $list2,$list3, comma);

Error when parsing file 
web.scss on line 20, column 4
encountered " ". Was expecting one of: ":" <IDENT> <FUNCTION> 

Warning when parsing file 
web.scss on line 20, column 11
Skipping: $list2,comma,comma);

Error when parsing file 
web.scss on line 22, column 4
encountered " ". Was expecting one of: ":" <IDENT> <FUNCTION> 

Warning when parsing file 
web.scss on line 22, column 13
Skipping: $list3,foo);

Error when parsing file 
web.scss on line 23, column 4
encountered " ". Was expecting one of: ":" <IDENT> <FUNCTION> 

Warning when parsing file 
web.scss on line 23, column 13
Skipping: $list3,bar,space);

Error when parsing file 
web.scss on line 24, column 4
encountered " ". Was expecting one of: ":" <IDENT> <FUNCTION> 

Warning when parsing file 
web.scss on line 24, column 13
Skipping: $list3,bar,comma);

Error when parsing file 
web.scss on line 25, column 4
encountered " ". Was expecting one of: ":" <IDENT> <FUNCTION> 

Warning when parsing file 
web.scss on line 25, column 13
Skipping: $list3,bar,auto);

Error when parsing file 
web.scss on line 26, column 4
encountered " ". Was expecting one of: ":" <IDENT> <FUNCTION> 

Warning when parsing file 
web.scss on line 26, column 16
Skipping: b, c),bar,auto);

Warning when parsing file 
web.scss on line 26, column 32
Skipping: }

Imported from issue #12773

vaadin-bot commented 10 years ago

Originally by Mika Murtojarvi

Even the implemented list functions were incompatible with sass-lang in many cases. Those list functions have been removed from the compiler. They will be reimplemented soon while adding the support for custom function definitions.

vaadin-bot commented 10 years ago

Originally by Mika Murtojarvi

The fix to this problem will only address the missing functions. The provided test case also requires support for parenthesized lists which will be addressed separately (#13659).

As a temporary workaround, the test case is modified to store lists to variables such as $abc_list: a b,c; nn: nth($abc_list,2);