vaadin / sass-compiler

A Java Sass compiler implementation
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Sass compiler: Non-sensical errors on missing ellipsis ("...") after input parameter #298

Open vaadin-bot opened 9 years ago

vaadin-bot commented 9 years ago

Originally by @marlonrichert

Steps to reproduce

  1. Create a new theme that extends Valo.
  2. Create a file _transition.scss with the following mixin, which is missing an ellipsis ("...") after the input parameter:
    @mixin transition($transitions) {
    @include prefixer(transition, $transitions, webkit moz o spec);
  3. Import and include the mixin in your theme file:
    @import "transition";

@include transition( border-bottom-color $transition-time, box-shadow $transition-time);

4. Enjoy an overload of non-sensical errors, like the following (with line breaks inserted *by yours truly,* for your convenience):

com.vaadin.sass.internal.parser.ParseException: Substitution error: some actual parameters were not used. Formal parameters: FormalArgumentList[$transitions: null], actual parameters: Actual argument list [ArgumentList [opacity 500ms 300ms, width 300ms]] at line -1, column -1

## Expected results
* At the very least, I would expect an error with the actual parameters I passed and with line and column numbers.
* Also, I would expect to see exactly one error for this and not close to a *hundred* of them.
* How about using proper punctation and formatting in your error messages?

 Imported from issue #17817