vaadin / sass-compiler

A Java Sass compiler implementation
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Compiler seems to mistake list for mixin. #314

Open rolfsmeds opened 6 years ago

rolfsmeds commented 6 years ago

The following list variable definition:

$caption-sizes: (
                (no, 0),
                (small, 15ex),
                (medium, 20ex),
                (large, 35ex)

throws the following compilation error:

null: Substitution error: some actual parameters were not used. Formal parameters: FormalArgumentList[$length: null], actual parameters: Actual argument list [ArgumentList [small, 15ex]] at line 6, column 17 com.vaadin.sass.internal.parser.ParseException: Substitution error: some actual parameters were not used. Formal parameters: FormalArgumentList[$length: null], actual parameters: Actual argument list [ArgumentList [small, 15ex]] at line 6, column 17...

Line 6 that the error message refers to is the first item of the list.

Looks like the compiler tries to parse the list as a mixin.

Strangely enough, the list seems to work just fine despite this, but the error is quite annoying.