vaadin / touchkit

TouchKit is a library of mobile components for Vaadin Framework
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Touchkit dependency on old com.vaadin.client.ApplicationConnection #410

Closed vaadin-bot closed 9 years ago

vaadin-bot commented 9 years ago

Originally by blueoak

Widgetset building fails because Touchkit 4.0.4 has a dependency on com.vaadin.client.ApplicationConnection.ConnectionStatusEvent, which has been removed in latest source.

Imported from issue #19080

vaadin-bot commented 9 years ago

Originally by blueoak

Attachment added: Screen+Shot+2015-10-06+at+2.16.38+PM.png (57.8 KiB) Screen Shot 2015-10-06 at 2.16.38 PM.png sysout of widget-building procedure

vaadin-bot commented 9 years ago

Originally by @Peppe

Hi! You appear to be working with an alpha release of Vaadin Framework 7.6? We did already a fix for getting Touchkit to work with alpha 5. You can find the change in Touchkit here: I've heard that there will be another breaking change also in alpha7, that we have to fix when the Framework team releases said build.

We will try to release TouchKit versions along with Framework 7.6. When they release beta1, we will release beta 1 in our next sprint, same with rc, same with final.

Thanks for the feedback!