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[upload] Modularization #1242

Open jouni opened 7 years ago

jouni commented 7 years ago

Disclaimer: I’ve not thought this all through properly, but this is my current rough idea

Split the current vaadin-upload element into modules. When combined/connected together, they should produce the same feature set as the current element, but offer more customization options and ways to integrate those parts in other use cases.

Modules (element names are just initial ideas):

stramel commented 7 years ago

@jouni Looks pretty good. Something that may be worth looking into would be having two versions of vaadin-uploader one with the current ajax method and the other using the HTML5 File API setup.

I can work on a technical document for what I am thinking and how it all works together. I put them together all the time for work. I'm hoping to cover a lot of the feature set that is missing in the existing codebase as well. Let me know if you have any concerns or comments.

stramel commented 6 years ago

@jouni @manolo @platosha PTAL Hopefully this will be a good starting point.

These are my thoughts on the refactor and how I envision it coming together. I am completely open to suggestions and comments.

While thinking about this, I have taken into consideration @jouni's thoughts and the Feature Backlog (#23).


Basic Examples

Current Implementation (Basic Usage)

We could alias this as vaadin-upload with some minimal customization.

<vaadin-dropzone target="upload">
  <vaadin-ajax-uploader files="{{files}}"></vaadin-ajax-uploader>
  <vaadin-multiple-upload id="upload" files="{{files}}">
    <paper-button>UPLOAD FILES</paper-button>
    <iron-icon icon="vaadin:upload"></iron-icon>
    Drop Files here...
  <vaadin-file-list files="{{files}}">
      <vaadin-file-item file="{{file}}"></vaadin-file-item>

Custom Dropzone

<vaadin-dropzone target="upload"></vaadin-dropzone>
<vaadin-ajax-uploader files="{{files}}"></vaadin-ajax-uploader>
<vaadin-multiple-upload id="upload" files="{{files}}">
  <paper-button>UPLOAD FILES</paper-button>
  <iron-icon icon="vaadin:upload"></iron-icon>
  Drop Files here...
<vaadin-file-list files="{{files}}">
    <vaadin-file-item file="{{file}}"></vaadin-file-item>

HTML5 File API w/ fallback

<vaadin-dropzone target="upload">
  <vaadin-file-uploader files="{{files}}" fallback="ajax"></vaadin-file-uploader>
  <vaadin-ajax-uploader files="{{files}}" id="ajax"></vaadin-ajax-uploader>
  <vaadin-multiple-upload files="{{files}}">
    <paper-button>UPLOAD FILES</paper-button>
    <iron-icon icon="vaadin:upload"></iron-icon>
    Drop Files here...
  <vaadin-file-list files="{{files}}">
      <vaadin-file-item file="{{file}}"></vaadin-file-item>
jouni commented 6 years ago

Kudos, @stramel, for the proposal. I hope the team has some time to go through it asap. Would you be willing to build the first prototype for this, if we agree on the approach?

stramel commented 6 years ago

Yeah, I could probably build out a prototype of it.

jouni commented 6 years ago

I can’t find many things to point at, but here are some:

vaadin-upload-mixin – what is “capture”?

vaadin-upload alias – do we really need that, or should we just make users migrate to vaadin-multiple-upload? Or is there some difference between those?

uploader.cancel/abort/retry – do those target a single file in the list? Do we need “cancel/abort/retry all”?

localstorage-uploader.path mentions “images” – can’t we use localstorage for other file types?

vaadin-dropzone – Can I make it cover the entire viewport without wrapping other elements?

stramel commented 6 years ago

Thanks for taking a look through it @jouni and providing some feedback.

vaadin-upload-mixin – what is “capture”?

capture is a pass-through to the input's capture attribute. (

vaadin-upload alias – do we really need that, or should we just make users migrate to vaadin-multiple-upload? Or is there some difference between those?

It isn't necessary. I just figured it would be a nice to have for an easy conversion to the next major change as well as providing an easy to use base interface. The difference between the two is that vaadin-upload recreates the existing vaadin-upload using the new components (ie. vaadin-multiple-upload, vaadin-dropzone, etc)

uploader.cancel/abort/retry – do those target a single file in the list? Do we need “cancel/abort/retry all”?

I would like to allow these to take a single file or multiple. Covert a single object to an array of 1 and accepting an array as well.

localstorage-uploader.path mentions “images” – can’t we use localstorage for other file types?

Yes, this could be any file type. Images are just the common type that I think of.

vaadin-dropzone – Can I make it cover the entire viewport without wrapping other elements?

Hmmm, that's an interesting thought. I think the only way to do that would be to take in a "drop-target" for handling drag-n-drop events and a "upload-target" for handling the upload of the dropped files. "drop-target" would allow you to specify something like document.body. "upload-target" would target the uploader.

stramel commented 6 years ago

@jouni Did that answer your questions?

jouni commented 6 years ago

@stramel, yes, seems pretty clear at this point. Let’s see after we have the first working pieces of the prototype, I’ll probably have more then :)

stramel commented 6 years ago

Been a while since I updated this thread. I have a lot of the initial stuff working now. I need to do a few things before submitting for an initial review.

Hoping to make good progress this weekend!

jouni commented 6 years ago

Great to hear!

I did some snooping around, and the prototype is coming along in, right?

Would you like someone to take a quick look at the work at this point? Just wondering if there are any obvious blockers that would slow things down more later on if not caught early?

stramel commented 6 years ago

@jouni, yeah that's the branch. You can take a look if you would like and any feedback would be great!

I'm still trying to figure out the best way to handle some of the validations and hopefully clean up some aspects of it.

Hoping to have it out in a PR for everyone to review soon.

stramel commented 6 years ago

For anyone who cares to take a preview of what I have, take a look at this PR.

Once I finish up a handful more things I will submit it over here. Just trying to get some initial feedback and gather my thoughts.

joelpop commented 4 years ago

The current implementation has a narrow use case. Splitting it apart as Michael Stramel has done would make it much more useful.

joelpop commented 4 years ago

Currently, what does the file-list do? I think it is just display-only, or does removing a file from the file-list remove it from the Receiver (I don't think it does anything).

It would also be nice if