vaadin / web-components

A set of high-quality standards based web components for enterprise web applications. Part of Vaadin 20+
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[lumo] Responsive typography #1737

Open jouni opened 5 years ago

jouni commented 5 years ago

Consider adding an opt-in feature which makes the font size hierarchy responsive – meaning that on large viewport sizes the size difference between the body text size and the largest heading size is more dramatic than on small viewport sizes.

For inspiration:

At the same time, some components could benefit from customized responsive type sizing. For example, <vaadin-tabs> could have an optional theme variant which scales down the font size on small viewport sizes to accommodate more tabs in the viewport. On iOS, for example, the tab bar font size is really small, and some secondary texts are also rather small.

We could potentially introduce some more semantics to the font sizes with something like the type scale from Material design.

jouni commented 5 years ago

See Apple’s “size classes” for inspiration as well:

TatuLund commented 2 years ago

If you want to have bigger font in mobile, you can set the font sizes in media query, example

@media (max-width: 800px), (max-height: 600px) {
  html {
    --lumo-font-size: 1rem;
    --lumo-font-size-xxxl: 3rem;
    --lumo-font-size-xxl: 2.25rem;
    --lumo-font-size-xl: 1.75rem;
    --lumo-font-size-l: 1.375rem;
    --lumo-font-size-m: 1.125rem;
    --lumo-font-size-s: 1rem;
    --lumo-font-size-xs: 0.875rem;
    --lumo-font-size-xxs: 0.8125rem;    