vaastav / Fantasy-Premier-League

Creates a .csv file of all players in the English Player League with their respective team and total fantasy points
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Re-scheduling automated workflows for scraping data to 24hr after GW finishes instead of 48 hr before next begins? #107

Open jpcompartir opened 2 years ago

jpcompartir commented 2 years ago

Is this possible?

Would be cool to have the data available at the beginning of the week rather than towards the end for analysis purposes.

P.s. thanks for fixing the Understat players data, this repo is awesome.

TopMarx commented 2 years ago

I second this request, if possible it would be very helpful.

Related to this point, how do you handle the rare occasions when one GW ends only a few hours before the next one begins?

This can happen during the festive season when several GWs are tightly packed together. One example I remember was in 2019/20 when the last fixture of Gameweek 19 kicked off on a Friday night just a few hours before the Gameweek 20 deadline on Saturday morning.

Finally, and most importantly, I would also like to say thank you very much for creating this resource, it's incredibly useful!

vaastav commented 2 years ago

I'll look into automated workflows. We had that in the 19/20 season but then the postponement because of the pandemic broke the workflow really. Currently, I push the updates manually and I try to do them the morning after the GW ends.

Halfwai commented 1 year ago

Hi, any update on this? Would really appreciate the data being a little bit quicker to update. Anyhow, appreciate the work you guys have put in, thanks!

vaastav commented 1 year ago

Hey @Halfwai , I am super busy and don't have time to look into this. But if some good samaritan would like to implement it and submit that as a Pull Request, I will happily take a look into that.