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Roadmap(SeM): Anonymity #107

Open kaiserd opened 2 years ago

kaiserd commented 2 years ago

Background / Motivation

One of Waku's main design goals is being privacy and anonymity preserving. While Waku v2 is privacy-preserving, Waku v2 relay currently protects anonymity only in weak attacker models like local attacker and single node attacker.

However, Waku v2 is modular and was designed with pluggable privacy/anonymity in mind. The following agenda of issues covers our plans to analyse current Waku v2 protocols with respect to their privacy/anonymity guarantees, as well as plans to evaluate, specify, and implement new protocols that will enhance Waku v2 privacy/anonymity.


(This roadmap is WIP. Items on the roadmap, especially ones farther in the future, might change.)