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Multi-chain/token RLN-Relay #128

Open staheri14 opened 1 year ago

staheri14 commented 1 year ago


A major factor in waku-rln-relay adoption is how membership payment is managed and modeled. Project owners and node operators are interested to know: What is the payment model? is the project tied to a specific token/chain? where do the received funds go?

At this point, there is almost no concrete answer to all these questions. In this milestone, we would like to get hands-on with the implementation of various payment methods and fund management in the rln-relay contract in order to better understand our options, blockers, and unknowns. Note that in this milestone we are not going to work on the incentivization idea, the game theory behind the fund distribution etc., but rather to develop the necessary components for the payment and fund management according to the most pressing use stories of the waku-rln-relay.


This milestone encapsulates all the aspects related to the payment model and fund management of the rln-relay membership group contract.

List of issues:

Risks and uncertainty


Expected timeline: aimed to be done by the end of August 2022.

Acceptance criteria

Once the identified tasks are done, the milestone can be considered complete.

Out of scope

The security of the core rln-relay membership interface e.g., the issue related to the sending of the slashed secret key in plain should be considered out of scope. Will open another milestone for that. The focus of this milestone is only on the payment model.

Notes and links


Future steps

staheri14 commented 1 year ago

cc: @oskarth please let me know your thoughts on this.

oskarth commented 1 year ago

Thanks for capturing these types of issues. I don't think it is at the level of clarity where we can clearly say this is a milestone on its own. Let's first sort out the two most pressing milestones before tackling this.

(The work on contract, fee, erc20 etc should still continue as it is now obviously)