XP balance for any given account is whatever MP the account has in the staking contract + whatever XP has been allocated to that account, if any.
Some admin can mint/allocate XP to accounts if there's any available. The allowance is always stakingContract.totalMP * 3
some examples:
Staking contract has 300 totalMP, 3 stakers, 100 MP each.
balanceOf(staker) will give 100 + allocatedBalance for each staker
300 * 3 XP are available for allocation
Also, when stakers unstake, totalMP decreases, meaning mintAllowance decreases as well. Already allocated XP stay unaffected.
User stakes 100 SNT, generates 100 MP
300 XP are now available for allocation
Admin allocats 250 XP to some address A
User unstakes 100 SNT, resulting in totalMP = 0
Address A still owns 250 XP
XP balance for any given account is whatever MP the account has in the staking contract + whatever XP has been allocated to that account, if any.
Some admin can mint/allocate XP to accounts if there's any available. The allowance is always stakingContract.totalMP * 3
some examples:
Staking contract has 300 totalMP, 3 stakers, 100 MP each. balanceOf(staker) will give 100 + allocatedBalance for each staker 300 * 3 XP are available for allocation
Also, when stakers unstake, totalMP decreases, meaning mintAllowance decreases as well. Already allocated XP stay unaffected.
User stakes 100 SNT, generates 100 MP 300 XP are now available for allocation Admin allocats 250 XP to some address A User unstakes 100 SNT, resulting in totalMP = 0 Address A still owns 250 XP
--> totalSupply: 250, mintAllowance: 0