Closed atomlab closed 4 years ago
Hi, what branch are you using? because since yesterday, the network infrastructure of cardano changed and only the new-importer branch supports the new infrastructure.
Hi, what branch are you using? because since yesterday, the network infrastructure of cardano changed and only the new-importer branch supports the new infrastructure.
Thanks for response!
I have build from this commit It haven't solved the problem.
curl http://localhost:8080/api/v2/bestBlock
[2020-02-21T11:10:12.707Z] ERROR: [object Object]/29 on adalite-backend-01: The instance is unhealthy (req.route=/api/addresses/summary/:address, res.status=500, res.time=0) GET /api/addresses/summary/DdzFFzCqrhtBFfArgfz676FNPqq8JtufgJP58sQpk1rji34Zk7XK9BhTHbU8Z6BT7LoGDZ5vuMWck4cuCwhEbjrTXG1fSp1dAaNDgvu4 HTTP/1.1
I have deleted all data and resync blockchain again.
adalite-backand built from new-importer
importer built from default branch.
Last block have reached 3799517 and stop.
I have updated adalite-backend from develop
branch today and it work without errors in log.
But last block 3799517
curl http://localhost:8080/api/v2/bestBlock
root@adalite-backend-02:~# docker exec -it postgres psql -U adalite
adalite=# select * from bestblock;
(1 row)
I think project-icarus-importer isn't support Ouroboros BFT hard fork
. This is my guess.
sorry for not replying sooner, yes icarus importer doesnt support the fork, heres a link to repository for tangata manu, that does support the fork and that we use on our own backend currently
Thanks for response! Understand now.
sorry for not replying sooner, yes icarus importer doesnt support the fork, heres a link to repository for tangata manu, that does support the fork and that we use on our own backend currently
Sorry for reopen issue, but I have a one question. adalite-backend
works with tangata-manu
instead project-icarus-importer?
yes, tangata-manu is a new version of the official importer, project-icarus was discontinued with the BFT fork
yes, tangata-manu is a new version of the official importer, project-icarus was discontinued with the BFT fork
Thank you for response. As I understand adalite needs to use own postgres db? Right?
Adalite backend stack:
Before project-icarus-importer was importing blocks to porstgres database. Adalte was reading data from postgres. But how it works now?
Tangata-manu stack:
no, as far as i know those 2 stacks interact via the postgres db as well as the importer endpoint. we have only one db set up on our backend. it makes searching through addresses and utxos much faster since it uses the indexed tables.
Thank you. I have run all stack.
Hi. Can you help to understand how to fix it?
adalite best block
request to adalite
adalite logs
request to importer
I'm trying to use this api for importer.