vadimcn / codelldb

A native debugger extension for VSCode based on LLDB
MIT License
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Ctrl + C does not send SIGINT with VS Code & CodeLLDB #1006

Open BnMcG opened 12 months ago

BnMcG commented 12 months ago

OS: Ubuntu 22.04 (VS Code host), MacOS Monterey (VS Code Client) VSCode version: 1.82.2 CodeLLDB version: 1.10.0 Compiler: Rustc 1.72.0 Debuggee: Rust binary built in debug mode with Cargo

When debugging in VS Code, hitting ctrl + C in the integrated terminal detaches the console from the executable's output, but does not propagate SIGINT to the executable being debugged. The VS Code UI still shows that the application is being debugged (has the restart, stop, pause, etc panel open), and the process can still be seen when running ps -aux.

Hitting the stop button on the VS Code UI sends SIGKILL to the application and it exits.

If I manually run the application using cargo run in the VS Code terminal, Ctrl + C does correctly send SIGINT. My terminal uses tmux with a zsh shell configured.

I tried reverting to CodeLLDB 1.92, but this version still exhibits the issue. I didn't try and other previous versions.

LLDB output:

Resolved debug configuration: {
  type: 'lldb',
  request: 'launch',
  name: "Debug executable 'foo'",
  args: [],
  cwd: '${workspaceFolder}/src/foo',
  envFile: '${workspaceFolder}/.env',
  __configurationTarget: 6,
  relativePathBase: '/home/user/bar',
  program: '/home/user/bar/target/debug/foo',
  sourceLanguages: [ 'rust' ],
  _adapterSettings: {
    displayFormat: 'auto',
    showDisassembly: 'auto',
    dereferencePointers: true,
    suppressMissingSourceFiles: true,
    evaluationTimeout: 5,
    consoleMode: 'commands',
    sourceLanguages: null,
    terminalPromptClear: null,
    evaluateForHovers: true,
    commandCompletions: true,
    reproducer: false
Debug adapter exit code=0 (0x0), signal=null.
hungryhorace commented 5 months ago

I see the same thing both in Ubuntu 22.04 in WSL, and in Raspberry Pi OS. Think I have also seen it in Windows.

I tried a range of CodeLLDB and rust-analyzer versions with the same result.

acc15 commented 2 months ago

MacOS Sonoma, same weird behavior. Cross-platform bug! =)