vadimcn / codelldb

A native debugger extension for VSCode based on LLDB
MIT License
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Does not work properly under macos #1029

Open aohanhe opened 8 months ago

aohanhe commented 8 months ago

~/.vscode/extensions/vadimcn.vscode-lldb-1.10.0/lldb/bin/lldb target/debug/rusttest (lldb) target create "target/debug/rusttest" Current executable set to '/Volumes/AhhData/testcode/rusttest/target/debug/rusttest' (x86_64). (lldb) run Process 11338 launched: '/Volumes/AhhData/testcode/rusttest/target/debug/rusttest' (x86_64) Process 11338 exited with status = -1 (0xffffffff) lost connection

aohanhe commented 8 months ago

I tried to delete the original lldb file and create a link for /us/bin/lldb as lldb, but it still didn't work

jessebraham commented 7 months ago

I recently discovered that I am no longer able to launch the debugger on macOS. I'm not sure when this happened, but I have been using this extension for quite some time prior without issue.

As a sanity check I generated a new binary Rust project (cargo new --bin foo), let VS Code generate the launch.json for me, and put a breakpoint on the single println!() within main. This was the result:

Console is in 'commands' mode, prefix expressions with '?'.
Launching: /Users/jesse/Play/foo/target/debug/foo
Launched process 3315
Process exited with code -1.

I additionally tried debugging an older project with a known-good launch.json, and it fails in the same way.

Running macOS Sonoma 14.1.1 (23B81) on x86_64.

vadimcn commented 7 months ago

Same as #999?

jessebraham commented 7 months ago

I think so, yes. I can test on macOS on both Intel and Arm if needed, but unfortunately I don't have time to dig into this issue myself.