vadimpronin / guacamole-lite

Node.js library for creating Guacamole-compatible servers. Guacamole is a RDP/VNC/SSH/Telnet client for HTML5 browsers.
Apache License 2.0
247 stars 78 forks source link

wss Error #47

Open pawansingh00 opened 2 years ago

pawansingh00 commented 2 years ago


I have the following code --

I run this on the remote machine which I want to access using - VNC

#!/usr/bin/env node

const GuacamoleLite = require('guacamole-lite');

const websocketOptions = {
    port: 8080 // we will accept connections to this port

const guacdOptions = {
    port: 4822 // port of guacd

const clientOptions = {
    log: {
        level: 'VERBOSE'
    crypt: {
        cypher: 'AES-256-CBC',
        key: 'MySuperSecretKeyForParamsToken12'

const guacServer = new GuacamoleLite(websocketOptions, guacdOptions, clientOptions);

And then

I try to connect to it using below code --

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
        <meta charset="UTF-8">
        <title>Page Title</title>
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1">
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="">

        <!-- Guacamole -->
        <script type="text/javascript"


        <!-- Display -->
        <div id="display"></div>

        <!-- Init -->
        <script type="text/javascript"> /* <![CDATA[ */

            // Get display div from document
            var display = document.getElementById("display");

            // Instantiate client, using an HTTP tunnel for communications.
            var guac = new Guacamole.Client(
                new Guacamole.WebSocketTunnel("ws://<PUBLIC_IP_OF_MACHINE>:8080")

            // Add client to display div

            // Error handler
            guac.onerror = function(error) {
                console.log("Error :: ", error);

            // Connect

            // Disconnect on close
            window.onunload = function() {

        /* ]]> */ </script>

        <!-- Init -->
        <script type="text/javascript"> /* <![CDATA[ */

            // Mouse
            var mouse = new Guacamole.Mouse(guac.getDisplay().getElement());

            mouse.onmousedown = 
            mouse.onmouseup   =
            mouse.onmousemove = function(mouseState) {

            // Keyboard
            var keyboard = new Guacamole.Keyboard(document);

            keyboard.onkeydown = function (keysym) {
                guac.sendKeyEvent(1, keysym);

            keyboard.onkeyup = function (keysym) {
                guac.sendKeyEvent(0, keysym);

        /* ]]> */ </script>



In above code - - this is public IP of the machine which I want to access using VNC and - - this is a token generated using the below script ---

const crypto = require('crypto');

const clientOptions = {
    cypher: 'AES-256-CBC',
    key: 'MySuperSecretKeyForParamsToken12'

const encrypt = (value) => {
    const iv = crypto.randomBytes(16);
    const cipher = crypto.createCipheriv(clientOptions.cypher, clientOptions.key, iv);

    let crypted = cipher.update(JSON.stringify(value), 'utf8', 'base64');
    crypted +='base64');

    const data = {
        iv: iv.toString('base64'),
        value: crypted

    return new Buffer(JSON.stringify(data)).toString('base64');

console.log("Token : " + encrypt({
    "connection": {
        "type": "vnc",
        "settings": {
            "hostname": "<PUBLIC_IP_OF_MACHINE>",
            "port": "5900",
            "username": "pawan",
            "password": "pawan"           

It works when -- above index.html file is served over http.

When I serve the above - index.html file over https and modify

            var guac = new Guacamole.Client(
                new Guacamole.WebSocketTunnel("ws://<PUBLIC_IP_OF_MACHINE>:8080")


            var guac = new Guacamole.Client(
                new Guacamole.WebSocketTunnel("ws://<PUBLIC_IP_OF_MACHINE>:8080")

I get the below error in Browser console -

wss -- guacamole-common.js:13108 WebSocket connection to 'wss://<PUBLIC_IP_OF_MACHINE>:8080/?token=<token>' failed: connect@guacamole-common.js:13108connect@guacamole-common.js:3336(anonymous)@?userId=9had87:50

Any help is much appreciated.