vadimsva / waitMe

jquery plugin for easy creating loading css3/images animations
MIT License
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waitMe is not working with my angular app #22

Open chanakaDe opened 6 years ago

chanakaDe commented 6 years ago

I'm using angular 1.x. And i added waitMe.css and also waitMe.js. And this is my javascript controller file.

 $scope.makeNewLogin = function () {

                effect: 'bounce',
                text: '',
                bg: 'rgba(255,255,255,0.7)',
                color: '#000',
                maxSize: '',
                waitTime: -1,
                source: 'img.svg',
                textPos: 'vertical',
                fontSize: '',
                onClose: function (el) {

And also this is the corresponding HTML div.

<div class="login-box-body">
        <div class="wrapper">
            <form class="form-signin">
                <h2 class="form-signin-heading">Sign In</h2>
                <div style="text-align: center">

But there nothing. No error message or loading. What's the issue for this ? This should appear when i press makeNewLogin function.

Christian1998 commented 6 years ago

Nope. You added the class "login-box-body" but assigned the id on your function. Change $('#login-box-body').waitMe({ to $('.login-box-body').waitMe({ then it should work 👍 (# = ID and . = Class) Regards Christian