vadimsva / waitMe

jquery plugin for easy creating loading css3/images animations
MIT License
328 stars 84 forks source link

iOS Chrome(ver47.0.2526.107) not working #8

Closed michael2043 closed 8 years ago

michael2043 commented 8 years ago


black circle not animating... I hope can fix it.

waitMe.css add "-webkit-" to animation,keyframes can fix this problem

eg: -webkit-animation:roundBounce 1.2s xxxxxxx -webkit-animation-delay:-1.1s @-webkit-keyframes roundBounce { xxxxxx xxxxxx }

vadimsva commented 8 years ago

Your chrome is very old. You can use last chrome version 51.0.2704.64

michael2043 commented 8 years ago

sorry,for some reason,I cannot upgrade latest Chrome version. because Chrome version>48 websql cannot be supported,my website now is using websql. can you add -webkit-xxx into waitMe.css to fix this problem

vadimsva commented 8 years ago

But if your website using websql, how other people can work with it if they using newest chrome? This old preffiix was removed after 1.12 version, it allowed to reduce the file size by 6kb. You can use 1.12 version for this reason or edit some styles for effect that you use on website, by copy styles and add preffix like animation:roundBounce;-webkit-animation:roundBounce