vadymmarkov / Malibu

:surfer: Malibu is a networking library built on promises
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Reject promise in middleware #111

Closed wideving closed 5 years ago

wideving commented 5 years ago

I'm doing authentication in middleware and when authentication fails I want to reject the promise with a custom error object. Where do I catch this error object? I have added validate(), done(), fail() and always handlers but none of them seem to be called. Have I misunderstood how reject works?

wideving commented 5 years ago

I will add an example of what I try to do

fun getAuth() {
    .done { response in
      //None of these handlers gets called
    .fail { error in

    .always { result in 


networking.middleware = { promise in 
  promise.reject(NetworkError(code: 999, message: "error..")
vadymmarkov commented 5 years ago

Hi @wideving! I don't think it's a problem with reject itself, there's probably something else. Do you keep a reference to your Networking instance so it's not deallocated?

wideving commented 5 years ago

Hello @vadymmarkov, thank you for a quick response 👍 I don't think there is a problem with deallocation since the request goes through if I resolve instead of reject. I have no problem with your library other then when i reject in middleware nothing happens. All other requests and functionality is working fine.

Here is the code for how i create an instance of networking, its stored as a reference in appdelegate. The networking object is then injected to a viewmodel and called from there

` func createApi(unrestrictedApi: Networking, session: Session) -> Networking {

let api = Networking<RestrictedApi>()
api.middleware = { promise in
  if !session.shouldRefreshToken {
    api.authenticate(authorizationHeader: session.authorizationToken)

  unrestrictedApi.request(.refresh(phoneNumber: session.phoneNumber))
    .then({response -> String in
      return try JSONDecoder().decode(Authorization.self, from: response).token
    .done({ token in
        let decryptedToken = CipherUtility.decrypt(encryptedString: token)
      else {

      session.setAuthorizationToken(token: decryptedToken)
      api.authenticate(authorizationHeader: session.authorizationToken)
    .fail({ error in
      let message = NetworkErrorParser.parse(error: error)
      print("error message: \(message)")

return api

} `

UnrestrictedApi and RestrictedApi is stored like this in appdelegate private let unrestrictedApi = Networking<UnrestrictedApi>() private lazy var restrictedApi: Networking<RestrictedApi> = { ApiGenerator().createApi(unrestrictedApi: unrestrictedApi, session: UserAccountSession()) }()

Do you spot anything weird?

vadymmarkov commented 5 years ago

@wideving You're right, I found a bug in implementation with promise not being rejected when middleware fails. It should be fixed in Please test it on master branch and if it works as expected I'll make a new release.

wideving commented 5 years ago

I did a pod update with pod 'Malibu', :git => '', :commit => 'b2afba1' to confirm that issue is solved and everything now works as expected with rejections coming through middleware. Thank you.