vaendryl / Sunrider

source code of the visual novel 'Sunrider'
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Tooltips #21

Closed Quickman closed 10 years ago

Quickman commented 10 years ago

Have added tooltips for weapons, but they're terrible. Suggest you take a look at them first.

If there's an obvious way I can fix these to suck less, let me know.

Descriptions need fixing. I'd much rather have a mouseover for ships show ship information (such as buffs, etc) with a window or something and the bottom right HUD be reserved for weapon info.

But it works. Probably. Not my fault if this fries your system.

vaendryl commented 10 years ago

thanks :) I'll modify it a little but it seems pretty usable :p

Quickman commented 10 years ago

Don't blame you for needing to edit it, it's currently in a horrible state.

Wasn't sure whether to include base aim + 50 (for range bonus).

vaendryl commented 10 years ago

I modified it a little. the tooltips appear in a little transparent frame based on mousepostion. I'm planning on migrating it to a custom displayable eventually which I can have follow the mouse frame by frame (rather than per interaction) which'll look better.

I really like the descriptions :D well done!

Quickman commented 10 years ago

Very nice! It looks a lot more pleasing aesthetically now. Unfortunately design isn't my strong suit.

Liked the ability to disable/enable them too. I'll try and get the same functionality up for commander abilities and possibly ships (but I'm not too sure on that last one, I can see it being very annoying. I'll see how it goes).